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Hi i'm Lori and i have 2 chins Poof is a stand grey and is 3 and Peanut is 2 and is a mosaic we also call him Nut-nut. We have had the boys for over a year I got Poof from a friend and we adopted Nut-nut a couple months later and i am now hunting for another male to add to our family. Just wanted to say hi and met other chin owners . :thumbsup:
Welcome Lori, Poof and Nut-nut. We're glad you're here :)
thank you for all the adopted another chin today we was told by the owner that she was a black well she is a he and he is a standard grey like Poof and her name was Penelope well we changed him to PeeChu and we welcomed him with open a day..
You're sure it's a he? LOL It's amazing how fast they can go from being a girl to a boy. :) I've had that experience several times just in the last month with a couple rescues and a few people that have called or had me visit their chins. I'm glad that PeeChu lives with you now...he's probably thrilled that finally people see HIM for what HE is! :p
, nsmom

Hi, I'm very new as well, and trying to learn the use of this site. I just became a chinsmom almost a week ago. My little boy is a standard grey, but I don't know how anything this beautiful could ever be called standard!! My birthday is actually tomorrow, but my husband asked me for about the third time what I wanted. After several times of hearing "I really can't think of anything", I decided to make my move and whine just one more time, and it worked!! Eh, he knew what he was getting into when he married me anyway. My baby is 6-7 months old, and is lovingly referred to as Chinzilla(I have to admit that the people in this house all have a slightly twisted sense of humor and it kinda oozes out in to other areas of our lives from time to time, hence the naming of my llittle one). He's a heart stealer extrordinare, and a VERY welcome addition to say the very least, he's such a love!!
well we survived the first seems to be fitting right in and his nickname is chewy so he is now part of the family...will keep u posted on him and how he is doing..thanks for all the welcomes..nsmom..let me know if u need anything..good luck
Well we rescued another chin today ...i saw him in the pet store and he was in a fish tank on a shelf thing with a light bar above his cage..only air vent was on top by light..his tail was coated in urine and his belly and paws broke my heart so i gave the pet store what they was asking for him which was 50.00 and took him home i used a wet washrag with a little bit of baby soap on it to wipe clean his tail and belly and have been cuddling with him off and on..will introduce him to the 3 other boys in 30 days i hope he does well with them...he is like nut nut a mosiac and we named him pooh-bear...will keep u up on how he is doing...