, nsmom
Hi, I'm very new as well, and trying to learn the use of this site. I just became a chinsmom almost a week ago. My little boy is a standard grey, but I don't know how anything this beautiful could ever be called standard!! My birthday is actually tomorrow, but my husband asked me for about the third time what I wanted. After several times of hearing "I really can't think of anything", I decided to make my move and whine just one more time, and it worked!! Eh, he knew what he was getting into when he married me anyway. My baby is 6-7 months old, and is lovingly referred to as Chinzilla(I have to admit that the people in this house all have a slightly twisted sense of humor and it kinda oozes out in to other areas of our lives from time to time, hence the naming of my llittle one). He's a heart stealer extrordinare, and a VERY welcome addition to say the very least, he's such a love!!