New baby!

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
My brother called and said there was a demon thing in the cage (See his support? :p) So I hurried home and found a standard baby. Just htought I'd share!

But...she has passed the placenta and she's still contracting,is this normal? The baby is dry and fluffy.

Each chin has it's own placenta because they implant to different sections of the wall. Keep an eye on her and watch for another one!
Okay! I'm checking wuite often! Is there anything special to do for her and the baby?
Read through the babies FAQ - no idea if you knew she was pregnant or not but I hope shes in a babysafe cage. Just keep an eye on her and see if she has another one. She may be finished and just cleaning herself if the other baby is dry.
Oh yes I knew she was pregnant! I've been waiting very impatiently. :)

Last night around eight she still hadn't had another kit. We rushed her to the vet and they took x-rays and found out there were two more kits in her (I knew she was VERY! Pregnant) One kit was mispositioned, not breach just kind of sitting in there wrong. We had two options, emergency c-section, or let her stay overnight and see if she would pass the babies. We chose the last one because it was 1 o'clock already and it would be only six hours for about $2,000 dollars less. It's $166 for the spay and c-section and the baby will be able to stay with her. We will be able to pick her up tonight.

I just thought I'd mention, her name is Esperanza, is Spanish that means hope.
We had two options, emergency c-section, or let her stay overnight and see if she would pass the babies. We chose the last one because it was 1 o'clock already and it would be only six hours for about $2,000 dollars less. It's $166 for the spay and c-section and the baby will be able to stay with her. We will be able to pick her up tonight.


ONLY 6 more hours? I don't agree w/ that decision, especially after seeing there were 2 more in there and one was not in the birth canal correctly. Forcing her to stay in labor for that long could have serious consequences.

Have you heard how she is this morning?

They are going to do a spay this morning and let you take her home tonight?
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They said that it would be okay because she was stable and if she was to go downhill than they would call us right away.

That's what is sounded like, I was wondering about that, wouldn't it be pretty early to take her home?
I'm nearly entirely sure they will be dead (I can't see how they would be alive) The surgery was this morning at around 8 ish. I am spaying her also. I just hope she pulls through for me.

Say prayers for Esperanza, Maia, and her room mate Stormy.
I just got an update! They said that she was coming out of the anesthesia well, she was still a little quiet, but Maia was nursing from her and everything! They said to call back tonight, but she will need to stay until at least tomorrow evening.

I'll make sure to keep everyone updated.
WOO HOO!!! Is Maia the first kit, or did another one make it???

Did you take her to Alameda East or somewhere else???

Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for everyone!!!
I am glad you had the forethought to come into chat when you noticed her still contracting after several hours with no other births. I'm also glad she was taking to the vet to have them c section and spay her.

I hope she continues to heal and that her baby survives the ordeal.l
Maia was the first kit, when I saw her last night she was at 52 grams, and in the x-rays, though hard to tell, the babies looked really big.

Lynn- We called Alameda and they said that their exotic specialist wasn't on and recommended the CSU vet hospital in Fort Collins. We went there and they kept her over night and did the spay this morning!

Laurie- Thank YOU for being so supportive through my weeks of craziness. :) It means a lot.

Twilight- Thank you so much for your thoughts :)
They didn't mention it, and I didn't ask, they were in there a long time. I'll ask about it when we call back tonight.
Maia was the first kit, when I saw her last night she was at 52 grams, and in the x-rays, though hard to tell, the babies looked really big.

Lynn- We called Alameda and they said that their exotic specialist wasn't on and recommended the CSU vet hospital in Fort Collins. We went there and they kept her over night and did the spay this morning!

Laurie- Thank YOU for being so supportive through my weeks of craziness. :) It means a lot.

Twilight- Thank you so much for your thoughts :)

Good to know for everyone in our area just in case!!! :thumbsup:
We just called back, she is doing good, so is baby, she's staying till Friday since getting over tomorrow isn't convenient. They said that the baby was really large, not exact, but he said it was very large and they think that's what caused it. He said they were quite surprised when there was just one baby in her. The x-ray looked to show two, but it was so big it looked that way! I'll get pictures on Friday of Maia and Anza on Friday!
Ok. So they x-rayed the chin, saw 2 kits (2 heads, 2 spines, etc) then opened her up 6 hours after you were willing to let her sit with 2 potentially dead kits inside of her, and it turned out to be just 1 larger kit who was alive and is thriving? I've got this right?
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