Need to up my Scritching skills?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
It is with much envy that I watch internet videos of Chins blissfully enjoying their scritches--I've had my chin Mips for about 2 months now, and while he seems very comfortable with me, he doesn't seem to care much for scritches... am I doing this wrong or are there other chins out there that don't like scritches? Is there a chance he might grow into them?
I have several little butt heads that want nothing to do with scritches and will push my hand away if I try to give them. I was eventually able to convince one of my boys that he likes scritches...but the others, not so much.
You're not doing anything wrong. Tribble, my boy, loves scritches! Tia will tolerate them and Chichi will kill you. LOL.
I did find with Henry, that though he was friendly and comfortable with me from day one, he really didn't like scritches at all. What he did like was to be stroked, especially behind his ears. That gradually progressed into him growing to like scritches, too. So, you could always try that, but don't worry if Mips isn't keen, that seems quite normal for chins.
I thought about this too. My little girl will tolerate the scritches I give, but doesn't seem to really love it like you see in videos. She does have one tiny spot under her chin that if I hit it right she raises her whiskers and closes her eyes and lifts her arm in enjoyment, but it's such a tiny target spot that it's hit and miss most of the time!
Me too, I just don't think I am hitting that spot, my girls don't mind me petting them at Ll, but when I go to give them scritches, they ignore me, their nice enough not to shoo me away, but its like nothing for them.
Only Gumby seems to enjoy my scritches, for a short while, then he starts to nibble my fingers, Elmo, my other boy wants nothing to do with my fingers.
Out seven of my boys only three like scritches.Tigger Too likes his man ****s scritched.Woozle likes his ears.Roo on the other hand is my "scritch monster" he will literally melt and fall asleep when I scritch him under chin,ears,between the eyes.
One of my boys loves scritches. The other only like scritches from my boyfriend, doesnt like me touching him at all. Matter of Prefrence i guess?
Voodoo used to not like scratchies. he tolerated coloar bone rubs. ive had him a month and everytime I pick him up, move or add something to his cage, or he comes up to me I scratch him. If he gets a treat he also gets scratchies. He now smiles. For him I think I just had to teach him scratchies are a reward for good boys.
Or your chin could just not enjoy being touched like that. Some humans hate foot rubs.
My chin enjoys my presence, and likes to jump all over me, but it only when it's on his own terms; he normally tolerates scritches for a minute, then scoots a bit away. However, if he's in one of his moods, he'll straight push my fingers away. Chins are moody little buggers.

And to the post above me: I am one of those humans lol. Good point however, I'll keep that in mind if I ever get irritated with Gizmo for not letting me scritch him.