Need to fatten her up!

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Okay, I found the Mazuri today and had a question. It had the same (crude?) fat content as the old pellets. Does that mean it won't put any more weight on her or is there another nutrition fact I should be looking at?
I could be very wrong with this, but under normal circumstances fat with chinchillas isn't good. For instance, if you give fatty foods like nuts, this can cause them to get fatty liver disease.

So, I'm think that actually you may not want a high fat content. But like I said, I could be wrong, it's just the impression I have. I would think that they would gain weight more by eating more and be able to gain weight from the plant matter they're eating.
Update: My last entry here when I bought Ebony the mazuri was on the 13th. We have since taken off her ecollar- she adjusted well and hardly bothered with her wound. Just took her to the vet today because she still pusses out a little above and below the wound. They said her wound is healing fine and they would put her on another course of antibiotics. her weight has gone from 350gr to 355. Is that too slow of a weight gain? She seems so healthy in other respects- she eats fine, poops fine and gets around fine. Been giving her the cheerios, shredded wheat and raisins sparingly. I am almost afraid to give her the liquid supplement now because I am afraid she will hate her regular food.

Yesterday she escaped her cage overnight( think my daughter left the door open) we found dustbath particles all over the place but she was right there by her cage. She must have had a little dust bath party, lol.

When we took her to the vet today, one of the techs came out and asked if she could take Ebony in the back room- everyone couldn't wait to hold her. They all fell in love with her too. They had never seen such a cuddly chinchilla.
Thanks for the update - so many forget!
I'd still try the PANR - it's better in a lot of ways! Weight gain was real quick!
Did you get the dyne? Did it help?
I'm glad she is doing su much better. And her bath party must have been good for moral.. lol!

I give a pinch of oats every other day to help with weight. I like my girls hefty. But this summer Petra did not enjoy living at my parents house and lost about 75gr. I started adding a pinch of old fashioned oats in with her normal food and she gained it right back.

As Rickman said. PANR. I love the stuff, it smells awesome and my girls love it. But everyone loves their feed so...

Again, so glad to hear she is healing up well, it so stressfull isn't it?
I did just order the dyne, and will see how that goes. I do notice she is actually eating the pellets now, so if the dyne/mazuri doesn't work I will see about getting the PANR. The Mazuri was just so convenient, and to tell you the truth I wasn't sure if she would make it long enough to order the PANR or DYNE. When she first started pussing, it was ALOT even though she was on antibiotics. Now that she seems to be out of the woods I can really concentrate on fattening her up, she doesn't even really look like a chinchilla right now, even though she is such a cutie, she is way way too thin.

About the oats- it's just regular oats from a grocery store, right?
Yep. The Old Fashioned kind. Not instant. If she's as thin as you say then I would only start her with very few to make she she can handle them. She is drinking well?
I don't think she drinks as much as she should. I had heard that they don't usually drink alot, so I wasn't that concerned. Should I be? She does eat ALOT of hay though.
No, they don't always drink alot of water. Petra drinks very little and Nyx drinks more then I would thinks its possible for such a little fuzz butt.

If she is drinking normally then I wouldn't worry about it. She will regulate if she needs more water. Its so good to hear all these signs of her regaining her health. A good appetite is such a relief with a sick/hurt chin.