I like to wait to get a sense of there personality before I name them, feels wrong for me to name them right away. The perfect name will come to you eventually, don't worry
I agree with that. My first baby chin was born without my knowledge. Escaped his cage and hide underneath the fridge, without my knowledge. It was by pure chance that my ferret found him one night. Hes now around 3yrs old, and healthy as can be. Name: Houdini. (side note: before i new what it was, i hit the breaker to shut the fridge down when i noticed something underneath. As a result, the fridge died. It gave its life saving the baby chin.)
Second litter, two sisters. First sister looks exactly like Houdini (and father for that matter) Name: Ameena - after the fridge that saved her brothers life.
Second sister, carbon copy of her mother Sophie. Name: Sophia
Extra irony: One of my favorite game series, Star Ocean, had two characters that didn't even live on the same planet. Looked enough alike to be twins, or at least sisters. They were named Sophia and Ameena. (hence the adjustment from Amana to Ameena)
Each name is a story in itself
k, little side tracked there. Ashe and Echo...
I would say Ashe is more fitting visually. But for me personally it would be hard to get used to. Since another character i no is actually 'Princess Ash' and the chin is a guy... But id suggest waiting and getting to no him first'