My daughters had two adult male rats. Shortly after we got them, the bigger of the two rats had to be put to sleep because of several large tumors. I purchased a 5 week old baby male rat from a breeder. It has been 9 weeks since we bought him. For the past 9 weeks we have been doing introductions the bath tub, on my bed, in a play area, etc. Things have gone wonderfully, no fighting or aggression some power grooming from the older male but that is it. So, I got them a new cage, new hammocks, new toys, new waterbottle.... you the point, everything is new. I bathed them together and put them in their new cage 4 days ago. They did fine during the day, even sleeping in the tunnel together. But, about 10 pm they started fighting and the younger rat has a bite mark on his back. It isnt deep but did draw blood. So everynight after they start fighting I pull the older rat and put him in a carrier. I contacted the breeder and she said keep trying to put them together. which I have, and during the day they are fine. im on a rat forum and they seem to think that the rats are just playing. I know some of have rats and im desperate for some help. thank you.
I do apologise for spelling errors, im using my phone and it is new so im not used to it yet.
I do apologise for spelling errors, im using my phone and it is new so im not used to it yet.