Need Help With Medication Dosage

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
Jameson was in the emergency vet tonight. I just removed his second massive fur ring of the week (he's been getting them a lot lately) and he was displaying symptoms of another urethral stone (squatting/straining, pressing his lower abdomen to the floor). Xrays revealed no stones, thank God. This vet doesn't usually work with chins, but she suspects he may have a UTI or other bacterial infection due to the fur rings and urination issues they cause. She sent me home with Metacam (susp per ml/.6ml) .2cc every 24hrs and SMZ TMP (susp per ml/10mls) 1.2cc 2x per day. It's been awhile since I've had to give either of these medications, and the dosages seem high from what I remember. Is there any way I can double check the correct dosage? This vet admitted that Jameson was the first chinchilla she'd ever examined and the tech was having trouble converting his weight.

I'd also like some ideas on how I can do a better job keeping his genital area clean? Ever since Jameson had his stone removed he's been peeing on himself (he was marsupialized during his surgery). Initially he developed a case of urine scald, but every night since I discovered it I clean his genital area and inner thighs with a baby wipe, then I apply neosporin. He has some fur loss in those areas, but it's no longer red or inflamed. Is there a better way to keep this area clean? Also, he's been developing gigantic fur rings every few weeks (2 in the last 4 days). Besides removing the fur ring with KY gel is there a way for me to clean his penis so bacteria doesn't develop in his sheath (I'm not sure if that's the correct term for the anatomy, but that's what we called it on horses when I used to ride).

Planning to consult with an exotic vet this week, but I'd like to make him more comfortable until I can get him in. We just moved so I've been hunting for a new vet. :-(
The tons of hair ring things makes me wonder if it would help to shave the area? i don't know if that'd help keep that from happening and keep the area from staying damp if he's peeing on himself? No experience here, just a though that maybe some more experienced members could think about.

As for the meds, I didn't know so I started searching the forum here. I know Id freak out about whether to give the does or not until somebody on here verified it. Found this thread

The dosage is .05ml per 100g for chins. So at .3ml you are in the range since he is close to 500g.
So I think your dose on that is probably right, but I couldnt find much on the other med.
1.2 mL of Bactrim twice a day? Does he weigh 10 pounds now? My largest chin, 1300 gm, who had to use Bactrim used maybe 0.8 mL twice a day if I remember correctly. That dosage of Bactrim is too high.
I have a chin who weighs that much and have been instructed to give 0.4ccs of Bactrim 2X per day. I have only ever given 0.1cc of metacam once per day (maybe the suspension of metacam was different).
Did they compound or mix the bactrim with anything that could have diluted it? Is the mg of medication on the labels?

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The mg is nowhere on the bottle for either medication. The local exotic vet has a tech answering the phones today, she tried to call the emergency vet but they're closed now (so much for 24/7). I gave him .1cc metacam this morning and .5cc bactrim. The tech recommended that I skip tonight's bactrim and we'll call the e-vet first thing tomorrow to get the mgs/ml. I have a follow up appointment set up for Wednesday afternoon. I want the exotic vet to look him over and double check the xrays.

I just hate seeing him so uncomfortable :-(
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Why would they compound Bactrim? I have only ever found it in cherry or grape flavors. Compounding it is to give it a flavor, isn't it?
Why would they compound Bactrim? I have only ever found it in cherry or grape flavors. Compounding it is to give it a flavor, isn't it?

I worked with a vet that would dilute it further for small doses by mixing or "compounding" with corn syrup to make it easier to give, but now that I think about it chins are big enough they shouldn't need it diluted. It was more for hammies and the smaller guys. Sleep deprivation brain :))

Metacam on the other hand comes in 0.5 and 1.5 mg, so depending on what the vet uses the dosage on that will differ.
Brittany, I can't get a hold of you via cell. How is Jamie doing? I'm wondering if the ointment is causing him to over clean/groom himself? I know that was happening with Benny when I had to keep his penis clean and then saturate it with petroleum jelly. I was constantly picking off small hair rings.
Sandi one of my kids stole my phone on Friday. I should have a new one by Saturday/Sunday. Went to the exotic vet today, irritated me because I know more about chin care then she does. She couldn't even find his bladder on the X-rays, thanks to my vet in Cincy I knew that. Jamie seems to be in less pain but I literally just found blood in his liner so I'm freaking out. Debating on if I should ask my old vet to look at the X-rays or just keep an eye on him and give the antibiotics time to work.
Sandi, how did you keep his penis clean? This vet recommended I just use KY gel on the penis and continue using baby wipes on the exterior genitals. She did send me home with silver sulfadiazine to replace neosporin. She said the silver sulf is water based so it would be better if he ingests any.

Sorry for the double post. On an iPad, not used to it.
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