need help with food!

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Dec 30, 2013
I have 2 questions on food as im about to get my chinchilla this weekend

1. How much food to buy at a time ? ive seen big 50 pound bags of pellets for $20 but i feel they would lose nutritional value before i get 1/4 the way through the bag
so how many pound generally last you a month ?

2. you know any small website or rescue websites i can buy food from and accessories ? i love small homemade and home run shop over giving my money to big pet stores.
plus pet stores are way over priced
I'm not sure about how much Stanley eats a month just because I am a newer owner myself so I'm trying to figure it out, but I do know if you go to the Grand master list of sellers here (found under "Chin Supples FOR SALE" ) that there are a ton of fellow CnH members that sell toys, food, and fun accessories. :thumbsup:
We buy the large 50 pound bags. It's the cheaper and we've never had a problem with nutrition... As to accessories, I have bought from multiple people I found on here. We've bought from, Fuzzies Kingdom, Whimsy's Menagerie and Chinchilla Rescue, and on facebook their is a page called "Fleece for Furries". We have bought from all these places and loved the quality of all of it.
With 2 chinchillas I go through roughly 5 lb a month, the average is about 2 tablespoons per chinchilla per day, some eat more some eat less. I generally buy two 5 lb bags of oxbow (2 months worth) at a time. Make sure you get good hay too, it makes up more of their diet then pellets, most eat/pick through about a handful worth a day and should have as much as they want.
As already said there are lots of supply sellers on the classified ads at the bottom of the chinchillas section as well as the banners on the top of the page. You can get everything you need for a chin from people online and never have to go to a big chain pet store if you really want, and as an added bonus the suppliers here actually know and supply chin safe products unlike most pet stores.
5 lbs. for one chinchilla lasts a couple months. Check out the classified ads down below; a lot of people sell food by the pound and home made toys, fleece items, etc.