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So just now, the vet's offie called me - the vet wanted more information (according to the person calling). I was asked if I was getting the animal from a rescue, and told them - NO, I was getting him from a private party and the animal needed to be seen. I was put on hold and told "Dr. "X" won't be available to see the animal until Sunday. She suggested that it'd be in the animal's best interest to stay with it's current owner, and let them seek veterinary care, as I would probably be in for heart ache and financial strain." I told her - the current owner isn't providing any veterinary care. She then gave me the name and number of another animal hospital.

I'm so saddend by this.
This is really sad. I would keep calling vets until some one would see him. i hope you get some good luck in the immediate soon time!

As for a name... If this turns out well, Samson.
That is ridiculous. I am sorry, how frustrating. I would keep calling vets, he needs to be seen asap. I know there are at least a few people here from Maryland, maybe they will have vet suggestions for you.
Next time, just tell them it's yours. As soon as you mention the dreaded "someone else" vets get touchy about treating them, just in case the original owner starts a fight about it.

Just say he's yours. Yes, you're going to look like an idiot the first time you go in, but if you establish a relationship with that vet, AFTER you get him treated, then you can explain the situation fully. For now, your chin beat him up a few weeks ago and he hasn't had medical care until now because you hadn't found a chin savvy vet. Leave it at that.
Good luck with the little fella. I agree with Tunes, just tell them he is yours. They really don't need to know anything different until you actually get there.
Oh he looks just terrible! :broken:

I agree with everyone else. Just say the baby is yours. I know it's hard with how bad of condition he is in, but at least he will be treated.
If we can work out a railroad to get him to CT, I will take him.

I have a great relationship with my vet and he will get medical care right away. I am a full time rescue so I am able to give him 24 hour care.
Jill of Beans wants me to take this chin so now we really need the kind hearted people of this forum to help in railroading him to CT. He will be in Annapolis, MD and I can pick him up in Greenwich, CT which is 1 1/2 hours drive for me. Normally I drive all over to pick up rescues, but I just can't go beyond CT right now.

This chin really needs medical care asap. NJ will be the primary driving of this trip. Will someone please, please voluteer to help this little guy out?

I can get him medical care, but just need to get him to CT to pick him up.
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Well I picked him up last night....and we went immediately to the vet. This thread can be closed, I'll start a new one regarding the new little chin...