Need advice dying Chin

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Thanks and I'm determined to make this Kit survive and I dont mind at all having to feel him every two hours he eats really good no problems there, but breeding is a real risk I'm still beating myself up for this I didnt want to breed her at all but I bought her from a breeder and she gave me a good price but I had to give her a baby from her so I put her with my male. I've breed before knowing the risks but had no problems, but there is no way I'm risking any of my other females expecially now I know the vet around here sucks and wont do anything. Like I told them the price wasnt an issue I just wanted her to survive but they didnt even want me to bring her back in because they said it would put stress on her. Which is completely stupid, there supposed to help animals not just let them die.

That is the dumbest breeding practice I have ever heard. There are tons of recommended breeders here if you ever want another chin in the future. It's time for this backyard breeder to close its doors. Remember that the more everyone supports these "breeders" by buying their cheap chins, the more they will continue to breed and put the animal's lives at risk.

I'm not at all blaming you. I just hate "breeders" like this. It truly makes me sick.
I have heard of dog breeders who ask for the pick of the litter when they sell a female for breeding, but I have never heard of any chinchilla breeder doing this. How completely out of line and irresponsible of this breeder! I agree with Tunes, if she wanted a kit from that female, she should have bred her herself. Now you have gone through quite an emotional and financial ordeal!
Well I did decide to buy her cause I really liked her colour, but in a way I do know what you guys mean, but I did agreed to do it so I'm just blaming myself, but I'm never breeding again way to risky risking the life of these precious animals. I just feel so bad having her die in my arms knowing I caused this and there was nothing I could do. Like I could of prevented it by not breeding her..... now I know I should of listened to my instinct and not breed her but its completely my fault.