Need advice dying Chin

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My Female chin gave birth last week ( didnt even know she was pregnant didnt gain any weight) well anyways she had one baby healthy and fine she also seemed fine herself I checked her out felt her belly to see if there was anymore babies inside of her and there was none. So I kept an eye on her and the baby and everything seemed to go fine she was alert and doing well and baby was gaining weight. well three days later I checked on her and saw a tail under her just though it was the baby feed them and left the next day I was holding the baby and looked and still saw the tail and freaked out so picked her up and saw a baby sticking out of her head stuck in so gently me and a friend got it out of her, then alot of green stuff came out of her and she didnt look well so I immediately the next day brought her to the vet they took xrays to make sure there was no more babies inside and just send her home with baydril. So now she is getting worse not really moving, not eating, breathing heavy, not peeing or pooping, blood comming from her vaginal area and she wont even pay attention to the baby, so currenly I'm handfeeding both which is quite difficult since I have a baby myself. I also have felt her stomach and it feels like there is still a baby in there it feels like a hard bulg when I gently push down a bit. I dont know what to do anymore she is my favourite chin I'm trying everything I could. I also called the vet to try and bring her back but they said there was nothing else they can do and it would just put stress on her, they are freaking stupid. I tried to argue but didnt work they just said they wont take her back even when I told them how bad its getting. So I'm wondering is there anything I could do to help her get better or is it too late for her, or any advice would be greatly appreciated
First, get a better vet. If she's got bleeding and all these other are issues going on, Baytril is hardly going to take care of it. A kit should have shown up on x-ray, although an ultrasound would have been the better choice.

Second, most likely she is past the point of help now. Lethargy and labored breathing generally come just before death. At this point, she's probably so loaded with infection that there's not much you can do.

If it was me, I would get her to a vet who knows what they are doing and, if nothing else, put her to sleep rather than letting her die slowly and in pain. You've got a long road ahead of you with the kit, but that's part of breeding and something you should have been aware of going into it. Stuff happens. When it happens, you become responsible for the life left behind.

If you've not taken care of kits before (hand feeding, etc.) then take a moment to read the FAQ under the breeding and baby section about kit care. It gives a safe formula as well as other tips that will help you care for him/her.

I'm sorry your girl had to go through this.
Sorry, Peggy and I posted the same time, I have nothing to add to her post.
Anyway, I am sorry for you
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All the other Vets are not experienced with chinchillas and they no next to nothing about them this was the only one that knew some about them. I think I might have them put her down. I havent had to handfeed a baby chin before but know quite a bit I have him on a formula the consist of evaporated milk, baby rice cereal, yogurt with active bacterial cultures and water he seems to be doing just fine but I'm having a hard time making him poop I spend around 10 min rubbing his bum with a cotton ball with warm water but it doesnt seem to be working, but his belly is still soft and he isnt loosing any weight just gaining.
If he's getting enough to eat, his belly should be firm, not soft. His little tail will curl up over his back as well.

Ditch the yogurt and evaporated milk. Get goats milk instead. I know people will come up with all kinds of strange things to hand feed with, but most people have had the highest rate of success with the goat's milk, water, cereal mixture.

You don't need to soak the cotton ball (and a wash cloth might work better), you just need to be gentle but persistent. Get enough food him to him/her, then work at the genitals and rectal area to stimulate. A very barely damp cloth will work or the cotton balls, whichever you have.
No one else should do this because you should always follow vet's orders with meds. With an animal that probably has so much infection and toxic stuff in the blood stream I would give a double dose of the Baytril the next couple of days if she makes it. Sometimes that is the only thing that will keep a chin from dying in these situations. However, at this point she is probably way too far gone.

The hard bulge in the abdomen could be anything at this point - another baby, placenta, intestinal gas or blockage... There's so little that a vet can do. When she had the problem before and took her in to the vet x-rays should have been done. Spaying is usually needed if you have green discharge - that basically means that there is actual putrefying tissue in the uterus and that means bacteria and lots of it. If you can somehow get her energy up and get her to eat, maybe the vet could spay her in a couple of days.

The prognosis is really bad at this point. The poor little thing. This is something that can happen with any chinchilla at any point in the pregnancy and after delivery. I recently had a mother chin retain a placenta for a few months! I don't know why she's still alive right now - the vet put her on a fairly large dose of Baytril for a week and she made it through.

Breeding chins is not always going to work out, these things just happen.
The mom just died, she was getting worse so I wrapped her in a blanket made her comfortable and she let go after an hour. As for the baby I will try and find goats milk I looked at a few grocery stores and couldnt find any but will keep trying, I'm determined to keep him alive whatever it take I'm willing to do. Right now he is in with my other female chin whos babies just left and she has accepted him as her own she is cleaning him and cuddling him so that should help.
Try an organic/health food store. It doesn't have to be canned goat's milk. It can be fresh. If you can't find the goat's milk, then obviously the other will have to do.

If the other babies just left, that mom may be able to pick up nursing this little guy. Sometimes if it isn't too far out from the baby leaving, their milk will come back in.
The baby left a week ago could it come back after that long? I'll probally find some goats milk somewhere.
After a week, it's doubtful. But at least she can provide warmth and work on getting him to defecate and urinate.
There is only the one the other one died, the baby is now pooing, my other female is acting like shes his mom which is great I think he is going to be just fine
Good luck with the surviving kit. Sorry about your girl and the other kit/s but death is always a risk when you decide to breed, which is why it astounds me when I read about people haphazardly throwing their chins together.
Thanks and I'm determined to make this Kit survive and I dont mind at all having to feel him every two hours he eats really good no problems there, but breeding is a real risk I'm still beating myself up for this I didnt want to breed her at all but I bought her from a breeder and she gave me a good price but I had to give her a baby from her so I put her with my male. I've breed before knowing the risks but had no problems, but there is no way I'm risking any of my other females expecially now I know the vet around here sucks and wont do anything. Like I told them the price wasnt an issue I just wanted her to survive but they didnt even want me to bring her back in because they said it would put stress on her. Which is completely stupid, there supposed to help animals not just let them die.