My Female chin gave birth last week ( didnt even know she was pregnant didnt gain any weight) well anyways she had one baby healthy and fine she also seemed fine herself I checked her out felt her belly to see if there was anymore babies inside of her and there was none. So I kept an eye on her and the baby and everything seemed to go fine she was alert and doing well and baby was gaining weight. well three days later I checked on her and saw a tail under her just though it was the baby feed them and left the next day I was holding the baby and looked and still saw the tail and freaked out so picked her up and saw a baby sticking out of her head stuck in so gently me and a friend got it out of her, then alot of green stuff came out of her and she didnt look well so I immediately the next day brought her to the vet they took xrays to make sure there was no more babies inside and just send her home with baydril. So now she is getting worse not really moving, not eating, breathing heavy, not peeing or pooping, blood comming from her vaginal area and she wont even pay attention to the baby, so currenly I'm handfeeding both which is quite difficult since I have a baby myself. I also have felt her stomach and it feels like there is still a baby in there it feels like a hard bulg when I gently push down a bit. I dont know what to do anymore she is my favourite chin I'm trying everything I could. I also called the vet to try and bring her back but they said there was nothing else they can do and it would just put stress on her, they are freaking stupid. I tried to argue but didnt work they just said they wont take her back even when I told them how bad its getting. So I'm wondering is there anything I could do to help her get better or is it too late for her, or any advice would be greatly appreciated