Naughty Girls!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
So last night during playtime I hear this *crunching* the girls are running around in their playpen and I am on the other side doing some homework... so when I hear the crunching, it sounds a little odd to me so I peak over the playpen, I don't see either girl but I can tell that they are in their chin maze, so I figure "okay I put some toys in their maze, they most have found them and are chewing" but there is also a part of me that is thinking, "I didn't put anything in their maze that should make this sound when being chewed on" so then I start thinking "you know that sounds like rosehip chewing and I didn't put any rosehips in the maze" so I go into the playpen to check things out, lift up the maze and see rosehip seeds, so I am thinking "okay maybe there was a random rosehip on the floor I didn't notice" until I hear MORE rosehip chewing... so now I start looking around more and notice that the girls have knocked over their container of rosehips and there are about 4 oz of rosehips on the floor and Maddie and Mitzie are in rosehip HEAVEN! :rofl: Bad girls!!
Haha....I know how that goes.

My boys were able to get a corner of the baggie I put the rosehips in. My husband left it on top of their cage but over their house which is usually okay but a corner of the bag was peaking over their house. They grabbed that corner and pulled all night. In the morning, the baggie had nice hole in it and half of the rosehip were in their cage.
Aww....clever and naughty girls! Guess I have that to look foward to...gotta be one step ahead a chin and their rosehips...LOL!