Mystery food

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
I've got a mystery that I'm hoping someone out here can help me solve.

I took in a new hedgehog a couple of weeks ago and was given the food he was currently eating (along with its bag).

Well, as luck would have it the hedgehog will not eat anything but this old food. And I'm not pushing him as he has been stressed over the life change.

So here is the mystery. The bag of food I was nearly empty. I purchased an identical bag (Naturals with Vitamins & Minerals by Purina) as he really only wants to eat this food. Opened the new bag last night and the food is not the same at all. The new bag's food is all brown with ovals & what looks like squished ovals. The food in the old bag was red, yellow, green & brown flat oval shapes and doesn't match the image of the kibble on the bag (yes I noticed this earlier).

Does anyone feed Naturals? Do you know if they changed the kibble shape/colors? Or does anyone have an idea of what might have been in the bag? A coworker of mine said that GoodLife Recipe is similar to what I describe (anyone feed this? Or could post an image?).

I'll try to post an image of the old food tonight/tomorrow. But thought I would post now to see if anyone recognizes the description.
I know you probably thought of this already but did you go to their website and see if they have pictures posted of the kibble shapes?
Yep. I've gone all over and haven't found the right shapes yet. Goodlife Recipe did have images and most of the kibble looks about right, however they show a square piece, and what I had didn't have any square pieces (I only had a couple of handfuls given to me though).

I looked through Purina's, and the shapes in the Indoor cat is right, but it didn't show quite as many colors.
Here is an image of the kibble. Sadly the flash washed some of the color out, but it should give you an idea of shape. The colors are not bright, but a toned down brownish shade. Any thoughts?

As a little report, he's eating the Naturals we purchased. Took him a couple of days to start eating it better, but he's eating enough now that his weight has been steady for 3 days.


  • kibble.JPG
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Definitely made by Purina.

All kidding aside, as long as he's eating/transitioning to the new food, it shouldn't be too big of a deal, right?
It still looks like really old purina but that's probably because of the picture. So glad he has transitioned to some good food though!
He is starting to eat the Naturals fairly well. He is also starting to nibble on my mix. It may very well be old cat chow.

We are still dealing with a little weight loss, but I think this is now being caused by his wheel. He was upgraded from a comfort wheel to a good bucket wheel. Poptart lost weight when she was given a better wheel too (and still does if I forget to add her high fat food to her bowl). He won't eat high fat food yet.

I just love rescues. No two are alike and each one keeps you jumping to get them to settle into your home.

Its been 3 weeks and he's starting to really come around. Spending less time as a quill ball, and more time out exploring (with quills fully erect). He also has found that laying on my shoulder with his head against my neck (quills still erect. and just don't startle him. ouch!) is wonderful.
I too love hearing about other rescues as they adjust! When my own are adjusting I'm far too nervous to get too excited until I get some solid progress (eating properly). I think that the careful walk with quills erect is actually kind cute though. "I can do this...I can do this... and if they make any sudden moves, I'm ready for 'em!"
He was curling back up if he thought I was watching... or if the wind blew. Its definitely progress, and it brings a huge smile to my face for each baby step we take to having a happy hedgehog. I actually think he's really happy, just not trusting. He adores his new wheel. I caught him sitting in front of it resting his head on it just after it was cleaned.
That's Purina Indoor Cat Chow in the green bag. :) Twisted gift of mine to be able to recognize kibble by looks....