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The person I had quoted had said that maybe the chin (which I clarified was the rat) could have injured herself and how did I know she hadnt. My response was she may have but from what I knew of mycoplasma it sounded more like that. I am planning on taking the rat to the vet but being this happened yesterday, I planned on waiting until tomorrow to take the rat in. Just wanted to make sure the chins were going to be ok and how concerned I should be. The rat only has it around one eye. Not the nose. Since you seem to know a lot about rats, does it sound like that to you? from what I know, mycoplasma is usually a symptom rather then a diagnosis to another ailment. Is that true? thanks
How did your vet visit go for the rat?
Okay - enough sniping back and forth. Keep it on track.

Ann1 - Please break your posts up into paragraphs. It's very hard to keep track of what was said where when you run them all together like that. Also, next time it would clear up any confusion if you posted a separate thread for chins and one for rats.

Gottcha. I kind figured that after all the confusion and in the future I definately will do two seperate threads.
I thought I did do them in seperate paragraphs tho. I apoligize for any confusion.
If you dont mind you can close this thread and if i need to i will open another. My question about the rat has been answered.
I am going to take the chin to the vet again. Hopefully my questions will be answered by them. Thanks everyone for the help.
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