I fell in love with a beautiful baby violet chinchilla at a ranch in San Diego. My bf and I picked him up after he was weened. He was always a loner because he tries to be dominant and hump my other two bigger boys even though he is the smallest.
He would always run to mommy or daddy when he's scared. I'd carry him in my pocket to the groceries store. He'd jump on my lap immediately after I open the cage and snuggle there to sleep. The sweet thing would wait until I put him back into the cage to pee then he'd beg to cuddle again. He loves running on his chinchilla wheel and racing with the boys upstairs at night to see who runs faster.
He was diagnosed with teeth issues at age 1. He went through trim after trim. He never liked hay and always opted for pellets. I came home at 1:30AM on September 3 to find him limp and motionless. I held him until he passed in my arms. I still feel like he was hanging on until I came home to hold him one last time. He is the most special angel to me and I miss him like crazy. The only thing that comforts me is to know that he is no longer in pain.
He would always run to mommy or daddy when he's scared. I'd carry him in my pocket to the groceries store. He'd jump on my lap immediately after I open the cage and snuggle there to sleep. The sweet thing would wait until I put him back into the cage to pee then he'd beg to cuddle again. He loves running on his chinchilla wheel and racing with the boys upstairs at night to see who runs faster.
He was diagnosed with teeth issues at age 1. He went through trim after trim. He never liked hay and always opted for pellets. I came home at 1:30AM on September 3 to find him limp and motionless. I held him until he passed in my arms. I still feel like he was hanging on until I came home to hold him one last time. He is the most special angel to me and I miss him like crazy. The only thing that comforts me is to know that he is no longer in pain.