My rescue chin Olivia passed away some time back. I never knew how old she was.
Olivia was never a chin who liked to be petted or scratched. However she did like a smooch through the cage bars. And I was happy with that. I would whisper her name and she would come to me and smooch me.
In her last year of life she would let me touch her feet. And in the last 6 months of her life, she would allow me to stroke her head.
Two years before she passed she had a cloudy eye. Then the other was cloudy some months before passing. She moved around a lot slower months before passing. Chewed pellets to a quarter vs eating the whole thing.
The month before she passed away, she was blowing her coat off. I can't believe she had any fur left. She became thin and her appetite diminished. She started sleeping on the floor of her cage several days before passing away. I made her a fleece bed and each day I noticed she was more lethargic.
Her last night of life, I noticed her laying on her side in her cage. I took her with me in bed and laid her on my chest and covered her and talked to her. She just laid on her side. She was very cold. I suspected it was nearly her time. I gave her a kiss and laid her in a box next to my bed and covered her with fleece. She passed in the night.
I'm not sure if this helps. But I do know what happens leading up passing. I knew Olivia had to be pretty old based on the cataracts in her eyes. She came from a very serious situation of starvation and or stress from the previous owner. She came with a cage mate. I suspect a a daughter. Sunni passed away before Olivia. Due to heart problems. The girls were always very happy to show me how grateful they were living here. Sunni was outgoing and Olivia was never one to let me touch her. But they were spoiled rotten here.