Today was the first day, I got into the saddle and wasn't off balance. It was also the first day I started to find it easier to get in the saddle. I'm short and overweight....both factors work against me constantly. I am working on the overweight part, but unfortunately, my legs won't grow any longer. Today I got on and off Scooter fairly well. Still a struggle, but compared to my first few lessons, a breeze. But I most noticed, my balance, I got it. I finally got it. I don't feel like I am just going to slip off at any moment. I got on, had my seat and started him right off walking. We've started to work on posting and trotting. Posting again is difficult due to my leg length (and lack there of) and my weight. I stand up, but because I am short, my butt is still in the saddle,
). Today she got me on a trail ride, with me in "full control" of Scooter. She tells me to get him at a trot....that's the easy part. Scooter likes to trot. He will trot all the way back to the barn. Its the whole, getting him back to a walk, without a stop, that is the problem. At one point, he just took off. And of course, like a pro, I am laughing all the way, trying to get him to stop and my legs like glue holding on for dear life. Then after a hour of riding, its time to get off. That is difficult for a whole new reason...getting my land legs back. Getting off him, my legs feel like Jell-O that isn't fully molded yet. And he's like a 15-16 hand horse, he's not small. Coming off him with Jell-O legs is like getting off a boat after a hurricane.
Next week we are going to Orlando, so no riding. I am glad to be going and all, but I'm to the point where, Universal Studios will be there forever, I rather ride a horse than a theme park ride.
) I spent some quiet time after with him, hugging his head and neck, rubbing his forehead and giving him kisses. He loves all of it.
In December I am taking a week off work because I have no one to get Alexia on and off the bus and watch her after school, my parents are going on a cruise. So I asked Gail if I could come that whole week while she is at school. By then, I ought to be an advanced beginner at the very least, be able to do full care of the horses, barn, etc, and go on trail rides alone....hopefully get Scooter to slow down, lol. But seriously, he is so amazing. The intelligence and spirit in them is so evident. I took some video, I'll post later and more pics too.
Next week we are going to Orlando, so no riding. I am glad to be going and all, but I'm to the point where, Universal Studios will be there forever, I rather ride a horse than a theme park ride.
In December I am taking a week off work because I have no one to get Alexia on and off the bus and watch her after school, my parents are going on a cruise. So I asked Gail if I could come that whole week while she is at school. By then, I ought to be an advanced beginner at the very least, be able to do full care of the horses, barn, etc, and go on trail rides alone....hopefully get Scooter to slow down, lol. But seriously, he is so amazing. The intelligence and spirit in them is so evident. I took some video, I'll post later and more pics too.