My new love: Horseback riding

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Today was the first day, I got into the saddle and wasn't off balance. It was also the first day I started to find it easier to get in the saddle. I'm short and overweight....both factors work against me constantly. I am working on the overweight part, but unfortunately, my legs won't grow any longer. Today I got on and off Scooter fairly well. Still a struggle, but compared to my first few lessons, a breeze. But I most noticed, my balance, I got it. I finally got it. I don't feel like I am just going to slip off at any moment. I got on, had my seat and started him right off walking. We've started to work on posting and trotting. Posting again is difficult due to my leg length (and lack there of) and my weight. I stand up, but because I am short, my butt is still in the saddle, :eek:). Today she got me on a trail ride, with me in "full control" of Scooter. She tells me to get him at a trot....that's the easy part. Scooter likes to trot. He will trot all the way back to the barn. Its the whole, getting him back to a walk, without a stop, that is the problem. At one point, he just took off. And of course, like a pro, I am laughing all the way, trying to get him to stop and my legs like glue holding on for dear life. Then after a hour of riding, its time to get off. That is difficult for a whole new reason...getting my land legs back. Getting off him, my legs feel like Jell-O that isn't fully molded yet. And he's like a 15-16 hand horse, he's not small. Coming off him with Jell-O legs is like getting off a boat after a hurricane.

Next week we are going to Orlando, so no riding. I am glad to be going and all, but I'm to the point where, Universal Studios will be there forever, I rather ride a horse than a theme park ride. :eek:) I spent some quiet time after with him, hugging his head and neck, rubbing his forehead and giving him kisses. He loves all of it.

In December I am taking a week off work because I have no one to get Alexia on and off the bus and watch her after school, my parents are going on a cruise. So I asked Gail if I could come that whole week while she is at school. By then, I ought to be an advanced beginner at the very least, be able to do full care of the horses, barn, etc, and go on trail rides alone....hopefully get Scooter to slow down, lol. But seriously, he is so amazing. The intelligence and spirit in them is so evident. I took some video, I'll post later and more pics too.



Horseback riding is alot of fun! It can be very hard but once you find out exactly where to place you self, you can do anything! I have an appaloosa mare she is awesome!
He's really beautiful! Horses are really amazing animals and lots of fun to ride. My mother in law owns a horse farm. Have fun with him!
Horses are great. I love horseback riding. Is he actually your horse or are you just riding him?
Just riding him. I wish I could own a horse. But between where I live, (which isn't rural) and money, I can't have a horse right now.

And thanks all! I am just so happy with him. I just wish I did this a lot sooner. I've been wanting to ride since I was a kid. But as a kid, my parents ignored my pleas to ride, and signed me up for dance instead. :banghead:

When my daughter said she wanted to ride, I said, "So do I!" :thumbsup:
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Horseback riding is alot of fun! I rode for 3 years.
Something that may help with the posting trot is an exercise to help keep your heels down and toes up when in the stirrups.
You just get on the edge of a step (such as one on some stairs), with the balls of your feet on the edge, and dip yourself down, and then back up. It will help work your calves and strengthen them.
I rode english riding so things are more proper but I think it all works on the same concept.
Wow, congrats to you. I did horse back riding um, many years ago. But I recently have been thinking about starting back up. You just gave me more incentive to do it.
Mystic, that sounds like a perfect exercise! I will try it, I have a step in my bedroom, its perfect!

And Susan, if you do, please share too. Before this, I rode once bareback at 14...and fell off. And second time was 3 months ago, on a saddle that didn't fit well, and on rough terrain with little teaching. Just kinda "Just get on". I'm 30 and like I said, out of shape, but have gained such confidence in myself. 2 weeks ago, I thought about giving up. She wanted me to do "around the world", for those who don't know, you sit side saddle and backwards while the horse is led, it gives you balance exercises. Well I couldn't get my leg around the horse. I didn't have the flexibility, plus my weight hindered me. We were laughing, but inside I was crying. But I kept trying, went back last week and we worked a lot more on balance. Did balance exercises I could do easily by doing a "head, shoulders, knees and toes"...she lead the horse while I would put my hands in the air, out to my side, or on various body parts, helping all with balance. It turned out that made all the difference because I got on Scooter today and bam! Balance! Even at a trot now, I am balanced. Now I am working on control and direction. It felt so good to be up there, to go on the trail and control him by myself...though I couldn't get him to slow down so easily and at one point, she wanted me to turn him around...which means, he wasn't heading for the barn, so he fought with me. He pulls the reins from my hands, after a few lessons, I've learned how he does it and I just play tug of war till he gives up.
I miss horseback riding so bad! But I have to ask. Posting in a Western saddle? When I was learning, I was never taught to post, it was always a sitting trot. I have to say, the posting is much easier than sitting in the saddle, though. (My cousin rode English and couldn't get posting down, so I'd post with her to help her lol)
Yeah, its not usual to post in Western. But we tend to train in Western more, and rather than resaddle a horse just to post, she has us do it in the Western. We do sitting trots too.
When I was younger I took lessons in both English and Western. But I took up again I would do Western. Although I think English looks great.
Alrighty, Siren! That just made me curious. I really would love to start riding again. I miss my horse, she was the best.
I have been riding since I was 5. I grew up on a farm where my grandpa had a horse. He just threw me on and told me to hold on. I caught on quick. I started getting into barrel racing and I did really well in it, then switched to some English (hunter and saddle seat) but I just hated the formality of it, so I went back to western. I had a nasty fall during a competition and got stepped on right on my knee and had to have surgery. That put a damper on my barrel racing days. I haven't done it since then :(. I'm trying to find places around here where I can just ride around and get used to it again, but no such luck. I really want to learn how to play polo though.

Have fun with the results in the lower body :) It does wonders for the butt ;)
Yesterday I didn't feel sore, except getting right off his back. But woke up today and ow ow ow Just trying to do some stretches to work it all out.

Brittney, I am sorry to hear of your injury :( I hope you can find a place to start riding again. And I agree about liking Western better. English is pretty to watch and such, but I do like the relaxation of Western. I don't really want to do jumping and dressage and such. I don't mind at all learning it, and would like to learn it, but I am more interested in trail riding. Exploring nature on the back of a horse. It was amazing when I was on Scooter, how close we got to a deer before she bounded off. I want to trot, canter and gallop too. I mostly want to learn jumping for safety. So I know when my horse has to jump, say over a log on a trail or such, I know how to ride it out.
Ahh! You've been bit by the bug! I'm lucky enough to have my horses at home and ride every chance I get. It will get easier with every lesson.
Yup, I got bit and I am smitten. Before I left yesterday, I hugged Scooter. He "hugged" me back. I gave him kisses too. He is so sweet. I've been in and out of some depression lately and this is helping me so much, looking forward to it at the end of every week.
Aren't horses just amazing? Lately, i haven't been able to afford having lessons or being on the equestrian team, but last year I volunteered at a horse/goat/pig rescue. Just being around them for 4+ hours a week was immediate therapy for my stress. You just couldn't be in a bad mood around all of these horses that have been abandoned or injured and still love humans.

Another neat thing is that horseback riding is pretty much universal and there are many vacation experiences you can do on horseback. This summer I took my mom to Wales and we went horseback riding around southern Wales. It was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and no better way to see it than from the back of a horse!
Yeah, that is true about it being universal. I can ride anywhere I go, so long as there are horses to be ridden :D

My only complaint, is so many of these trail riding places, its required guided. Believe me, I know and understand why they do it. For the safety of the horse and rider, for insurance reasons, to make sure the horse is not stolen or harmed in anyway, etc. I guess I like it so much better when its just my friends and me. Like when I go kayaking.