My new cage i built

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I love your idea of wanting to give him/her as much room as possible. I would be worried about the height. I have my girls in a big cage they jump and hop and push and everything else. It sounds like they are going to knock the cage over! And I have a FN. It is a very sturdy cage. If your chinchilla likes to pop corn or wall surf the cage (it may not seem like it now) but it can tip over.

I understand where everyone is coming from. I have a fully chinchilla safe cage...And I still had an accident, I came home to a dead chinchilla. It broke my heart. I am just saying...better safe then sorry?

the height? why would you be worried about that? its not like he has any more room to fall and hurt his self then any other cages its broken down in three lvl s and will have plenty of perches and shelves so what does height and danger have to do with and again a chinchilla wont be able to nock this over even if 50 chinchillas was standing behind a line and all ran at the same time and hit the cage to knock it over it still wouldnt move an inch lol but thanks for your concerns if you look at the other pics you will see its sturdy

so he hurt his self and died in your chin proof cage so let me do the same as you and take the chance i dont get where your going with that hehee
I'm certainly no expert, but I would have to say my suggestion is that I would just stick with the bottom cage for one chin. Mainly because I enjoy looking at my chinchillas, and having something that high up that you might need a step ladder for, well that just doesn't sound too ideal to me. I like setting on the floor right in front of their cage and letting them explore me & get used to me. It just seems like something that big would give the chin more room to try and get away from you. You might say it would be easy to catch it, but you could also be surprised. They are mighty quick little creatures.. mine will be setting in their house one minute and in the blink of an eye they are on my shoulder trying to get down on the floor. Haha. Also, with the top level, as someone else has said, it looks top heavy... I have a girl who is a bit on the chubby side & when she runs and plays, the cage shakes.. I would be afraid that my chinnie would hit a shelf wrong or bump the cage the wrong way and send it toppling over to the floor.

You say you want a reason for it, not just because people are afraid. I think that is a very valid reason to listen to the advice given. I would much rather take the cautious route & know that everything is 100% safe, rather than trying to lavish your chin with a huge cage that it really doesn't need.. and then have something possibly happen to it, just because you were trying to spoil it. You can spoil it in other ways, with good treats, chew toys, love, and giving it a nice safe home.

so dont give him a big cage because its dangeous... do yall read yalls comments before posting them? because it makes no sense to me that because my cage is 3 foot higher then a FN its soooooo unsafe and wayyyyy to big hahaha sounds like yall just jealus lol Just being real not to be a dic just dahm im trying to learn reasons and fact on chinchillas not just people saying they dont like it then get mad because i dont jump up and do it because u dont like it but at the same time i have people saying they love it hahaha:rofl::cry3:
Attach the cage to the wall in case of a earthquake-they been happening in some strange parts of the country so don't assume it won't happen where you are.

hahahaha i will attach to the wall incase something crazy happens and someone has the feeling to tackle the cage we dont have to worry about earth quakes i live in houston texas and there has never been on and dont even think there has ever been on in texas hehe but yea will screw cage to the wall
"You say you want a reason for it, not just because people are afraid. I think that is a very valid reason to listen to the advice given"
lol like i said before if i listin to everyone that told me not to do something then i would be dead lol something with this cage if i listen to everything i read on the internet i wouldnt have a cage at all lol you must have no i deal how many people trash everything everyone else says about chinchillas so im looking for truth and the only w2ay i can be sure to get the truth is by asking WhYand it doesnt seem like tht hard of an answere
hahahaha i will attach to the wall incase something crazy happens and someone has the feeling to tackle the cage we dont have to worry about earth quakes i live in houston texas and there has never been on and dont even think there has ever been on in texas hehe but yea will screw cage to the wall

Don't count your eggs before they hatch! I live in the middle of the US (Kansas), and have felt 2 in the last month. Talk about CRAZY! :)

Please use the edit button if you're going to post again. You have that option for 10 minutes after you make a post. It gets very hard to read and understand when you're posting so many separate posts.

Also, please try use complete sentences and some form of grammar. "Text" language is not allowed. Thanks!

Since you've been told the pros/cons of the cage you've constructed, I'm going to close this thread as it is getting way off topic.
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haha poor kansas first yall have the worst tornados now yall getting earth quakes lol next yall going to get a hurricane heheehe never been in a earth quake but my moms first trip to cali they had a huge one it took her another year before visiting my brother again hahahaha hope nothing got damage in your earth quakes :D
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