My geckos

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I love Kate's geckoes so much! I've told her before I could never own such a creature as I just can't feed worms to anything because I can't touch them. So I LOVE it when Kate shows these beauties off! Really stunning. My favorite is Sake--she looks like a beautiful girl to me--hope it's not a boy!!
Thanks for posting these again Kate!
Wow those are some great close ups! You have some lovely pets.
I love Kate's geckoes so much! I've told her before I could never own such a creature as I just can't feed worms to anything because I can't touch them. So I LOVE it when Kate shows these beauties off! Really stunning. My favorite is Sake--she looks like a beautiful girl to me--hope it's not a boy!!
Thanks for posting these again Kate!

Hahaha yeah, feeding worms & crickets did take some real time to get past & used to.:sick: My sugar gliders & hedgies eat the insects too, so i had to get over my fear early on. Now i can touch all kinds of bugs without getting too spooked my son is too proud of his mom now! (Some still do creep me out though, so i either just use a spoon or make chris do it. hahahaha

Sake is a she, shes very nice too! She will more than likely do a bit more changing before shes fully grown, but i just love her coloring!

As you can see Wasabi is a bit of a meanie as of lately & likes to try to bite. Stinker! You wouldnt really think their bites would hurt too much... they dont hurt as bad as a chinchilla bite, but its like a snap & more or less just scares me more so than hurts. haha
I was always "afraid" of the reptiles when I worked at petco...but ya can't blame me because they were always un socialized. BUT yours are probably much different, and very pretty too!
are these the geckos that you saved? someone had saved some from a bad home and i dont recall who
Nope, not me, i got these guys at a local animal show around here!!! =]

Liz, you are totally right! Some reptiles are super mean! I wanted to look into a tokay gecko, but FORGET that! After finding out how mean they are there was NO way that would come into the home with my son! Who'd have thought from something so little & cute looking!?

Our geckos are pretty tame, i can hold them without too much resistance. Wasabi is of the exception occasionally. He's a little more aggressive right now because hes in with two females, so thats just his nature, he would calm down more if he were alone. Female geckos are fantastic in my findings this far though! Mine are very sweet.
Close up their skin looks like candy buttons LOL.

Anyways, great leopards!
Very nice Leopard geckos! :)

I have three females, myself that I purchased and 2 rescue girls. Carmela Boogy and Chica BoomBoom are very acclimated to handling ...Cleome Lutea, not so much! She's drawn blood before :confused2: ..but she's also been through quite an ordeal in her life, so I guess it's to be expected.
OMG one dude at petco got bit by a Tokay..I freaked...blood everywhere... that scarred me for life. Why the heck did Petco sell those viscous little guys?!?!
OMG one dude at petco got bit by a Tokay..I freaked...blood everywhere... that scarred me for life. Why the heck did Petco sell those viscous little guys?!?!

Oh i know! Those pets in a place like that is a TOTAL set up for the owner to dump it. So neat, but i dont know that i will own one of them ever. I'd much prefer a more laid back reptile. A bearded dragon is on my list & of course crested geckos. *sigh* one day.:dance3:
I'd love a beardie someday...some lady surrendered hers to petco to adopt out. I was soooo close to taking him home!
Yeah, ive read & heard a lot of really good things about them. However, everyone tells me i wont stop with one. lol

I think when kaiden is old enough to help clean the cage we may get him(Me) one. haha He loves the geckos & is so careful with them. They are a great 'training' tool, "you pick up your toys & you can see the geckos/or hedgies/or gliders/or chinchillas." hahaha
Yeah, ive read & heard a lot of really good things about them. However, everyone tells me i wont stop with one. lol

I think when kaiden is old enough to help clean the cage we may get him(Me) one. haha He loves the geckos & is so careful with them. They are a great 'training' tool, "you pick up your toys & you can see the geckos/or hedgies/or gliders/or chinchillas." hahaha

I cound't stop with one! lol :heart3:
Well i as well think there cute but couldnt have them or hedgies or gliders for the bug factor