My fairly new chins

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New Pics of My Sleepy Chins. Decided to continue this thread then make a new one.





:CSarcasm: Oh cmon.......chinnies have Morals, they would never inbreed would they???

Seriously need to split them up...unless the male is nutered or the female is spayed.

Male+Female=Babies related or not and the last thing ya want is in-bred chins.
they're actually brother n sister.

How long have they been together!?! How old are they?!? I'd seperate them, start counting to 111 and get a baby safe cage on hand just in case.

Buff up on your breeding and baby info, because unless one of them is fixed you are in for babies...:no:
How long have they been together!?! How old are they?!? I'd seperate them, start counting to 111 and get a baby safe cage on hand just in case.

Buff up on your breeding and baby info, because unless one of them is fixed you are in for babies...:no:

I've had them for around 3 weeks. The vet told me they are still young enough to keep together, I am getting a 2nd cage first week of march.
Oh no no no no. I've seen on another thread a 9 week old female being pregnant...
Oh my gosh, this is NOT good. You need to separate immediately and count 111 days.
I looks like they are really attached to each other. Would this be a case were you might want to consider the surgery so they may stay together? I have never split a pair apart but i would imagine that they might be "depressed" for a lack of better words if they get separated.
I looks like they are really attached to each other. Would this be a case were you might want to consider the surgery so they may stay together? I have never split a pair apart but i would imagine that they might be "depressed" for a lack of better words if they get separated.

Yeah I worried about the same thing too, I've been trying to find a vet who can do that for me but I haven't found one. Plus several people have told me not to.
Yeah I worried about the same thing too, I've been trying to find a vet who can do that for me but I haven't found one. Plus several people have told me not to.

Chins do just fine on their own. If they're lonely, get them a cuddle buddy. It'll cost you $10 at most with shipping instead of $150 to put your chin at risk. Even a very good vet can have issues with surgery on a chin. Why risk it?

They can get pregnant very young, and either way they need to be seperated. This isn't just a case of opposite sexed chins together, this is brother and sister. Inbreeding is not good for the animal on a large or small scale. You are doing them no favor by keeping them together. I have a cage you can have for free right now...let me know if you want it.

It makes me really sad, when people are sitting here over and over trying to help you be a better owner. Isn't that what you want?!? Your chins cannot help themselves, they are animals. You need to make the choices in their life. I really hope you listen to all of us and do the right thing with them. Seperate them, buff up on breeding and babies and start counting just in case. Hope that you don't have any new arrivials anytime soon and keep coming to learn more.

How old did you say they are?
Plus several people have told me not to.

I"m guessing those people aren't very good chin owners. Mother and son will breed, father and daughter will breed. Brother and sister will breed, they're animals, they can't stop and say "OH! Inbreeding is bad" If your female has a heat cycle, your male will mount her, there's no way around it. I'd listen to the people on this forum before I listened to anyone else just for the simple fact they've had experience in these fields before. I have to agree with chincerely, you need to separate immediately.
I"m guessing those people aren't very good chin owners. Mother and son will breed, father and daughter will breed. Brother and sister will breed, they're animals, they can't stop and say "OH! Inbreeding is bad" If your female has a heat cycle, your male will mount her, there's no way around it. I'd listen to the people on this forum before I listened to anyone else just for the simple fact they've had experience in these fields before. I have to agree with chincerely, you need to separate immediately.

Diva chins, several people told her not to neuter (not to leave them together), is what i think she meant, most likely because it is putting her baby at risk. Instead of a neuter it may be better just to separate them, chins do fine on their own if you give them enough attention.
I"m guessing those people aren't very good chin owners. Mother and son will breed, father and daughter will breed. Brother and sister will breed, they're animals, they can't stop and say "OH! Inbreeding is bad" If your female has a heat cycle, your male will mount her, there's no way around it. I'd listen to the people on this forum before I listened to anyone else just for the simple fact they've had experience in these fields before. I have to agree with chincerely, you need to separate immediately.

Silly girl you jumped the gun. They meant not to put her chin under for surgery at the risk of it not making it through the surgery :high5:
Silly girl you jumped the gun. They meant not to put her chin under for surgery at the risk of it not making it through the surgery :high5:

AH! Alright, I thought they were trying to say "Nah, neutering/spaying isn't necessary, they won't breed, they know they're kin folk ;)"
I've had them for around 3 weeks. The vet told me they are still young enough to keep together, I am getting a 2nd cage first week of march.
The vet is wrong. You are putting your girl at risk if she gets pregnant, she is surely too small to deliver kits safely. They are adorable and it would be a shame if something bad happened because you were too stubborn to take good advice from people on this board who have had years of experience, and I am not referring to myself here (I am no breeder), rather than a vet who may have seen only a few chinchillas in his career.