My chinchillas wont let me touch them

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May 7, 2013
I've had my two chins for almost a month and they've settled in well. They'll hop all over me during out of cage play time, they'll climb onto my head, stand on my eye (that was rather uncomfortable!) occasionally come over to sniff my nose to say hello, they'll let me put my hand in their cage to do what ever I need to do, they fearlessly run around my ankles when I'm walking around the room and they are perfectly happy for me to nudge them gently with my foot. But, whenever I put my hands anywhere near them, I get kecked at and they run away. I'm not expecting them to sit and be stroked like a cat, but I do worry that if they wont even let me touch them, I'll have problems if I need to take them to the vet, or examine them for injuries. I've tried lots of different things, they'll take food from my hand, I just can't touch them. Any tips? :confused:
Just pick them and and hold thaem for short periods of time. They need to learn to tolerate being held and there is only one way to teach them. It will not traumatize them to pick them up if they don't want to be. I do it all the time with mine and every last one of them comes running up to the front of the cage to see me when I walk in the room.
A month isnt a long time. Give them a while longer... I'm sure they'll get used to you :)
My one girl I have had for 4 years and she still doesn't want me touching her. We have an agreement, I don't touch her and she doesn't spray me, lol :)
Nice Sometimes it can take several months for a chin to get used to its new owner. Just give it time.
My chin Ive had since it was a baby and it still won't come up to me or let me touch it. Idk what to do.
I feel like some chins need more time than others. My boy barked at me for a month before he felt I was worthy of scratching his head. He loves getting pet now, and turned out to be the sweeter one, even if he absolutely hates being held.

The girl, on the other side, was shoving her nose onto my face only days after I got them. She doesn't like to be held, but is much better than the boy, and is slowly learning to tolerate it. On the other hand...she's not very fond of being pet. She'll allow me to do so, but only for a very short time before she pushes my fingers away or simply hops away.

Some chins will forever be skittish. Others learn with time. Just be patient, the mere fact that they're jumping on top of you means they're learning to trust you.
If you never actually handle them they will never figure out you don't want to eat them, the more you handle them the tamer they will become. You have to think worst case scenerio and you have to hand feed, this process will be much easier if the chin trusts you already.
Thanks people. I've established some little rules during play time. I will only touch them when they are standing on me, and I will always attempt to pet them when they are standing on me. That way they may learn what to expect, and it gives them a little bit of choice and control. It seems to be working, one of them allows me to scratch her head and the other will tolerate me removing the odd tuft of loose fur, so, great improvement all round!