I used to have a violet male in a cage that was just over eye level. I had a wire cage ontop of my melamine cage, so he was pretty high up, higher than everyone else in the room. Anyways, when I came into the room he wouldn't even bat an eye, but when anyone else (family, friends, buyers children, etc.) came into the room he'd wake right up at anytime of the day and he'd smash himself against the bars in the corner closer to where the people are, and he'd pleasure himself. At least that's what I thought he was doing, still not sure about whether he was doing it for fun, or for cleanliness. He would go on and on embarassing the hell outta me. Trying to explain him to people was the worst. People say that this is just cleaning behavior, but I don't know if I agree that everything he was doing was for the cleanliness benefits. I guess it's just something that all males share, the desire to show everyone. In my house, males that are paired with other chins (male or female) get hair ring checks more often because humping is just part of the fun of having chins in your life. The more humping, the more chance of hair rings which is why they get checked more often than singles do. I always love reading about other peoples horror stories with males. Always good for a laugh. - Jessica