My chin got his foot stuck in the cage

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Did you ask if they'd be willing to at least take an x-ray of a chin even if they don't specialize in them? I would think that most vets would at least be able to look at an x-ray and see if there's a fracture or not.
Did you ask if they'd be willing to at least take an x-ray of a chin even if they don't specialize in them? I would think that most vets would at least be able to look at an x-ray and see if there's a fracture or not.

They told me if they took an x ray and something was wrong, I'd have to pay x rays fees there and emergency care fees then go to a exotic pet specialist and pay x ray fees again plus the fee of the injury. I love these guys but I don't have a $1,000 to spend on them.
They told me if they took an x ray and something was wrong, I'd have to pay x rays fees there and emergency care fees then go to a exotic pet specialist and pay x ray fees again plus the fee of the injury. I love these guys but I don't have a $1,000 to spend on them.

I know that you are trying your best, but this is why it is so important to have a vet set up before things like this happen. Also I don't understand why you can't just have the x-rays taken to see if it's broken and if it is just show those x-rays to the next vet you see. There should be additional xray fees.....I am really concerned about you waiting this long to see the vet. I know it is a trip, but I have a really good vet here in SB and they're pretty cheap. When Lena had a bad eye infection, the checkup and meds all together cost me $68.00. I think my usual girl is still on maternity leave, but the vet I saw last time was still very good. Let me know if you want their number, this chin shouldn't have to keep waiting:no:
Not meaning to kick you when you're down, but one of the most important things to do BEFORE you get a chinchilla is to make contact with an Exotic Vet who specializes in chinchillas.

I also advise you to make an appointment for what I called a "well baby exam". This gets you into their system as a patient, and then, if the situation ever arises that you happen to NEED an emergency visit, it will be much easier to get an appointment.

I personally go to Alameda East Veterinary Hospital in Denver, which is less that a mile from my house. I am fortunate to have the world-famous Exotic Vet, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald as MY vet for my 3 chinchildren. He has not charged me for any of the 4 times I have gotten a new chinchilla and brought him in to be checked out. He loves them and enjoys seeing them.

Fees when they are ill (URI) varies from $75 for an office visit to $365 for neutering. Thankfully, I have not yet had any REAL emergencies.

Good luck with your baby...
While you are trying to get a vet lined up, did you put the chin in a smaller cage or carrier? If you don't have one, remove the wheel and shelves of block off access to the upper levels so he doesn't hurt himself further.
The vet I use in Yorba Linda is open will be open Thursday he is very good. He neutered some of my chins and did an amputation on another chin. The vet visit is $55.00 x-ray I'm not sure on maybe $75.00 just a guess. If you want you can make an appointment tomorrow and I can go with you he's pretty reasonable and might be 45 mins from your house. You don't want to wait to see a vet his leg might get worse.
I called all the local vets offices near me and 80% of them said we don't take exotics not even for x rays. I found 3 places, 1 that will only do it if its an emergency and charge me extra plus all the can do is x ray, the expansive exotic vets office tomorrow morning or a cheaper place that sometimes takes exotics, however the doctor that does exotics isn't in until friday. so I have no choice but to wait till tomorrow morning. One vets office was nice enough to help me examine my chin over the phone and she said nothing seems too serious so he should be fine until tomorrow morning. I have him in a smaller cage with no where to jump. Hes drinking and eating fine. and I should of found a vet earlier it was my fault but I didn't expect something to happen so soon. I also assumed my dog's vet would see my chins but the receptionist is being a total douche and won't even let me talk to her.
Here is the phone # and address of the vet I use:

Greek and Associates
23687 Via Del Rio. Yorba Linda, CA 92887

Not meaning to kick you when you're down, but one of the most important things to do BEFORE you get a chinchilla is to make contact with an Exotic Vet who specializes in chinchillas.

I also advise you to make an appointment for what I called a "well baby exam". This gets you into their system as a patient, and then, if the situation ever arises that you happen to NEED an emergency visit, it will be much easier to get an appointment.

I personally go to Alameda East Veterinary Hospital in Denver, which is less that a mile from my house. I am fortunate to have the world-famous Exotic Vet, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald as MY vet for my 3 chinchildren. He has not charged me for any of the 4 times I have gotten a new chinchilla and brought him in to be checked out. He loves them and enjoys seeing them.

Fees when they are ill (URI) varies from $75 for an office visit to $365 for neutering. Thankfully, I have not yet had any REAL emergencies.

Good luck with your baby...

sorry to sound naive but what is "well baby exam" :thinking:?
I think she meant a wellness checkup once a year or so, just to see if the chin is all right. It's true that once you are a patient, they can make arrengement for you. When my hedgehog was sick, we called her normal vet, witch isn't suposed to take emergency and saw us the same day.
sorry to sound naive but what is "well baby exam" :thinking:?
It means you take your healthy chinchilla there to have a check-up though nothing is wrong with the chinchilla. This way you are in their computer system and will have less problem getting an appointment there in the future should your chin actually need a vet. Some vets will let you register your pet at their clinic without being seen, thereby accomplishing the same thing without the actual visit. However, you would certainly get a better feel for the vet's competency if you had an actual visit and knew what questions to ask :).
sorry to sound naive but what is "well baby exam" :thinking:?

Not naive at all - I just call it that when I take a new chin that I've just gotten in to be checked over by the vet.

They check their teeth, listen for a heart murmur, check for any parasites/fungus and weigh them and just generally give them the once over. Then, as I said, you're in the system and are able to be seen more quickly because you're not a "new" patient, you have a history with them.

Make sense???

ETA: Oops -- Jean Marie, I just saw that you pretty much covered it for me. THANKS!!!
Not naive at all - I just call it that when I take a new chin that I've just gotten in to be checked over by the vet.

They check their teeth, listen for a heart murmur, check for any parasites/fungus and weigh them and just generally give them the once over. Then, as I said, you're in the system and are able to be seen more quickly because you're not a "new" patient, you have a history with them.

Make sense???

ETA: Oops -- Jean Marie, I just saw that you pretty much covered it for me. THANKS!!!

oh great...i did that already lol :)...and you are right I have called the vet back a couple of times and she knew exactly who I was so it was easy to communicate with her...also i think she has a softspot for me and my chin lol...being in the caribbean she has told me most chins she does see end up dead due to heat stroke because of neglect or poor pet ownership...i guess lack of knowledge too...(the petstore i got my little girl from she was living in horrible conditions...outside in 33 degrees celsius...brown water etc) every chin owner should be mandatory to this forum lol....the vet is very happy to see my healthy chubby chinny...and she is a great lady...obviously cares deeply about animals..and i would have never known this had i not done the healthy long story short lol...i think thats a great ideo for people who do not have a vet yet...or for a new chin
I just got back from my vet the exam is $55.00 and x-ray is $75.00. Please let us know if you went to a vet. If you still can't find one you can drive to my house and I'll drive you to my vet.
sorry for not updating, I got an x ray nothing is broken, and hes doing much much better now. Not even limping any more. However, his nose is really irritated... I am setting up another appointment to get his nose checked.