My 8 month old Chinchilla Oscar

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Such a cute chinnie!

As a side note, and if you already know this just ignore me, but raisins are probably not the healthiest and safest treat for your chin. They contain a high amount of sugar that can negatively interfere with their sensitive GI tracts. Some better treats include plain cheerios, unfrosted shredded wheat, old fashioned oats, and rosehips.
Thanks.I dont really give him rasion that much and give him oats most of the time.
He looks like he's so pleased with himself for taking the bag!! What a cutie!
Thanks Everyone.I have a gret female thats the same age but i got her like 3 weeks after i got ocser about 3 weeks ago But i cant do nothing with her.She barks at me and trys to bite when i try to get to her so i dont get to do much with her yet so i dont know what to do.I asked the breeder could i bring her back and get another one but havent got a reply back yet
CUTE!!! its kinda funny if the raisin box is empty and it is just the smell... keeehehe and a bit evil
The rasin box has rasins in it but he only starts chewing on the box lol
What a pretty-looking chin.
Give the female a try. It takes awhile for chins to warm up to you. I remember it took months for my grey chin to finally show his true personality & warm up to me.
Are you planning to eventually put them together?
Oscar is very cute. Is your female big enough to breed?