I'm mentally gearing up for the DEA bust - ceramic heat emitters and a industrial-strength blue grow light in one room. Should be good when they find two huffy hedgehogs instead of the crop they were expecting.
Miss Satin managed to dump her entire water dish (reptile waterer) last night and then righted it. I found it in the morning standing there completely empty - should have had about 10 ounces of water in the reservoir. I found her behind her wheel curled up very tightly in her blanket. Hedgiedaddy was very brave and held her directly in his hands to make sure she was warm and dry... then he washed... and covered himself with antibacterial lotion. Not being able to tell if they're warm and dry is one of the major problems I have with the gloves - just can't feel everything that I need to.
Satin's gone a little weird in the nebulizing chamber. I think she likes it... sort of? She's very good at communicating her wants/needs to me in terms of "I want out of the sink," "I want my kibbles," "I want to be picked up," "I want to snuggle," and "I want to go back to my house." Now, I'm seeing, "I want to go in the box with the air-thing." She aims for it and struggles to get herself out of my arms and into the box. Guess that's a good thing - would rather have her do that than have her in the box screaming to get out. Now, the weird thing: these last 4 nights when I start up the nebulizer, she's begun attacking the spot where the mist comes from. Gets her nose all up in there and rams it a few times. After ramming, she settles down and waits patiently. I'm not quite sure what this means - other than I'm going to reinforce that area so she doesn't knock anything out of place.
Meanwhile, Tex is going through phases of accepting his meds and being very wily. In addition to the Amikacin, he's on Baytril for another bug. It's lucky for him that I think he's adorable.