Mouthwash safe for chins?

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If you want us to see a post from you under chinchilla emergencies,then I would not listen to anyones advice about the dangers of using mouth wash.I cannot understand why new owners do not like to take advice from the more experienced ranchers.

This was not an emergency, so it shouldn't go there. That said, there is absolutely no reason to be rude. The whole reason for this forum is to ask questions. She took the advice, calm down.
The OP is listening to our advice if you actually read the thread. Its good she ASKED about it and should not be put down for asking a question, no one should and no one is perfect.

Agreed. Asking a question and taking the advice and criticism is a good thing. There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding in this thread.

Crysta, I think Bob meant "If she doesn't take the advice, we'll be seeing a post in the emergency section soon" not that this post should be in the emergency section.
I just don't want anyone to read through the thread and get the idea that they should use mouthwash to clean cages. No matter how much you tell them to rinse it off, people may just wipe down something with mouthwash and leave it there. I wouldn't be so worried about the alcohol in it, that will dry would be more about the sweeteners and other things added to it that will stick around.

I am very glad that the question was asked since there are, no doubt, other people that have heard the same thing. Anything being used to clean a cage must be used safely...and probably rinsed off completely!