Mouse in my pants...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Yes that says about it all of it, today I had a mouse in my pants and it's a good thing we didn't have company over. I can handle mice, like the kind in a pet store and almost any critter fine. But... yea.

I noticed the last couple days my cat having an interest in the vacuum, didn't think too much about it. Today I grabbed the vacuum to vacuum my room and started it up. I had my long yoga pants on which drag on the floor a little and next thing I know I feel something on my leg, didn't think too much about it at first because my daughter was behind me, then I felt it... moving. And I turn around to look and can't see anything so I say Hailey, do I have a bird on my butt? Because our quaker was out and sometimes he flies to where I am and climbs up, and that's exactly what it felt like. She's like uhmmm no. I said is there ANYTHING on my butt! She's like no, and that's when all of the images in the movies start going through my mind and I screamed.. oh yea I screamed like a little girl and I just started stripping my pants off! Finally we see a mouse run out and luckily into the bathroom. So we bring in the cat that's the mouser, he's freaked out by the screaming and hides, we bring in the other cat who's too lazy, so I called in the yorkie and he got the mouse a couple times, being 12 now he's not as agile as he was in his great mousing days and the mouse ran out under the door, I cornered it and grabbed it and tossed it into the bathtub. Where Winston tried to get it but it was too slick in the tub for him so we finally found the other cat who thought this was a great treat.

So yea... I had a mouse in my pants, and now when you see that happen on tv you can say you know someone who that actually happened to.

Mice aren't a rarity here because we're in the country and we occasionally get them in the house, but never have I had one... up my pants!
I really wish this could have been video taped some how! Sorry Nicole but it would have been funny to see you screaming hopping and ripping your pants off!
That is funny. Why not toss the mouse outside instead of the tub?
This is funny. Not so funny if it happen to me. 'why not toss the mouse outside' - because it would just find a way back in and maybe in her pants again.
Gotcha. These are things city girls don't think of. :D

Ahh! Gotcha. haha, well now you know.

I would absolutely die if I had a spider in my pants. :/ I mean literal heart attack.

It was horrible. That thing was bigger than my fist. I heard him hit the floor :/ I was jumping around shaking my leg, and scream and taking my pants off in the living room. lol
I hear a little song coming along. Mouse in your pants, mouse in your pants.... Looking like a fool with a mouse in your pants! Sorry couldn't resist! I know I would have screamed like a little girl too!
Aw, I love mice. I saved one from our cats, and he hung out in my sweater for about 2 days until my mom discovered him and made me return him back out side. :[

That would have been funny to watch though. :]
thing is if you just let them go outside unfortunatly they come right back in....and beine they are a health risk to your other pets sometimes you need to make a decision on how to handle wild rodents that is less nice......
We brought him out into the field, we've never had mice come back in after letting them back outside, however that could be because we have lots of cats.

This was before we got chins, and I don't think that the dog or the cats would catch anything from them considering they're around them all the time and nothing has come up yet.
Christine that's EXACTLY what my kids were singing actually! LOL

Why not toss the mouse outside instead of the tub?

I see any one of our 3 barn cats with at least a mouse per day. It is nothing to look out and see one of them running with one in their mouth.

There are several reasons, firstly there was a time when we were "between" cats. Our cat had chronic UT issues and even after surgery be continues to void in the house... on my bed, everywhere. After that we didn't have cats for a while and it got to the point that we actually had my husband's big screen RUINED by mice, their urine is like acid, literally and it destroyed the boards inside of it. We got barn cats because they were starting to chew on my saddle in the barn, I don't have $900 to buy a new saddle each time a mouse eats one. I actually had one eat half through my cinch on my saddle within a week's time. They also carry disease and can cause severe stress on things like my chins in the house and our parrot. While people might think "It's just one mouse, what can it hurt" they multiply super fast and are extremely destructive anything they can make a nest out of they will, they fit through holes the size of a pencil round, they eat cords and internal workings of things, and they just simply reek.

Even outside they can get into my feed, my hay for my horses, my dust for my chins all of that. I order my feed a ton at a time, so it's not an option to put it in a tote or what not. I have a little building that is sealed as much as humanely possible without using extreme methods because if mice get into a bag of feed, I toss it and that costs me money.

Sorry for the rant, but mice although they have their place in the circle of life, have no place in my house, chin house, barn, chicken house or anything where I keep things.

Acting like a fool with a mouse in my pants.... that's me alright.
Many years ago I was camping with my husband and his whole family. We were all together (about 8 of us) and cooking out and an ant went up my pant leg and starting biting my leg. I started swatting at myself then ripped my pants off right in front of the in-laws. :laughitup: It was embarassing but ant bites hurt!!