Morning chins

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
South Jersey
Morning chinchillas and yes I mean morning like sunrise. Recently I've been up in the early morning due to an adjustment in my medicine and I was amazed to find my moody chinchilla who usually avoids human contact is a cuddly ball of love in the morning. My boys are love bugs at 6 in the morning, I even end up getting licked, has anyone hear been licked before, it's kinda weird. Their tongues are kinda worm-looking. Anyone else notice a drastic change in personality around 6-7 in the morning? If you have a difficult chinchilla that doesn't like attention I'd try waking up at 6, mine now sits at his cage door at 6 and whimpers until I hold him and he doesn't like to be held anytime other than between 6 and 7 in the morning. Just wanted to share my discovery.
Well they are considered crepuscular meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. I think Sasha is more of a morning chin herself but she learned to get on Petra's and my schedule of evening play time. She still requires a bit of extra love in the morning before I run off to class.... Petra just looks cranky and doesn't let Sasha back into their house.... lol.
My Keegan is a morning boy.He gets a little special playtime and then he watchs the news with me while eating his hay.He'sh a sweet boy.
Even if I get up as late as 9ish, the boys are usually awake or semi awake. Kenai has even made an adorable habit of crawling into the sleeve of my bathrobe first thing in the morning :) (don't worry, I coax him out after a min or two so he doesn't overheat)
Tika usually is super playful about 1-2am right before bed and then 8:30 9ish am. right when i wake up. She sits next to the cage and coo's at me to give her some attention. I think that some of this is due to routine, but definitely are more "touchable" at dawn and dusk.
Wow....I'll have to get up early to see (haha, I love my chins but not that much) I'm usually up at 7 and they are already getting to sleep. Due to lack of work at my husband's job I haven't gotten up at my usually 6:20 to see how they are there.

My one boy is up and ready to go at 5:30 pm and plays like crazy. The other one needs to be coaxed out his box at 6 to play.
Tinkerbell kind of sleeps for a few hours, will be up for a while, then back to bed and repeats this pattern. She's up for periods of time during the day as well as totally crashed during nighttime hours. It may depend on how noisy the household is during the day. I don't think I notice much personality change from one time of day to another. She's always happy for company, although later at night she seems to be a bit more skittish and sounds can really spook her. But Tink doesn't seem to have a regular schedule to when she's awake vs. down - it is always a surprise.
Morning Girls

Four of our girls are morning girls; they might be active in both the evening and morning, but they are much more affectionate in the morning. Our other three girls prefer evenings. Only one of our four boys, likes the mornings. I'm usually up at about five and most of our early risers are just getting up.
My chins aren't super active in the morning but they do wake up around the same time we do and have a definite routine (which involves super scritching time and changing the litter pans).
My boys are definitely night owls (like me) and when I come downstairs in the morning they are all zonked out, with the exception of my new boy Roo...he greets me with winks & smiles! Cheeko wakes up occasionally throughout the day, which I enjoy ;) Gideon, Frick & Frack all sleep like the dead! Remi, well he thinks every time I move I'm coming to "let him out for playtime"...he LOVES playtime!

I'd love for all of my chinnies to be cuddle bugs, but I'm grateful for the ones that are ;)