Not moldy, but doesn't look processed either, the top pic is very green like fresh cut wood, when you process it, the color changes.
The second picture is new growth, this wood is very new and usually very sweet, the "fuzz" is normal protectant for the new branch while the bark thickens and hardens to protect it. No harm from it, but I would be concerned with how green that top pic is that it was not processed.
okay thank you. where can I get good wood??
I got some from Rhonda and that wood is great. someone told me to try sallywood and that is what I got. she told me it had been processed a ton
If you want you could just boil and bake that. I live in Nebraska as well, and last I knew Sally was getting wood from an orchard without regards to it being sprayed. I don't know if that's still current or not, but that would concern me more than it not being processed. Someone else may have different experience, but I've never seen processed wood stay so green.
There are many suppliers here who provide good wood, or you can order through Ronda again!
I got wood once (it wasn't from sally- I did order from her once and the wood was fine if I remember right) and it was kinda green like that. I had to process it myself again and all was good!
I bought wood from them and it was the filthiest wood I have ever purchased. I know of many others who have had the same complaint. When questioned I was told they don't even boil the wood, but they could have at least cleaned it! Granted it was dry, but I had to reprocess the whole bunch. You are better off purchasing from wood vendors on here.
why would anyone want to sell bad wood? I don't get it... that is just hurting my babies and that is just not ok! going to throw it all away when I get home!!
I wouldn't recommend this product for the reasons mentioned here, as well as many others as well. There's a reason she's banned from this forum and there is a reason why she lost my business. Stick with the Vendors here.
Even when wood looks clean it is dirty and needs to be scrubbed with a very stiff bristle brush to ensure that it is clean, then it needs to be rinsed. Right now I have a tub FULL of apple twiglets that at first glance looks clean and perfectly good to process. However when I started scrubbing it the water very quickly turned a nasty brown.
It isn't easy, as a matter of fact it is also very boring, but in the end it is worth it to see a sparkling clean box full of wood ready to be shipped out to someones little furballs.
I agree Caroline. I think the biggest thing that has to be kept in mind when selling a product is the health of the animal you are selling to. There's a reason why people charge the prices they do for a big pile of sticks. It's the amount of work that goes into ensuring a clean and safe product. I appreciate people like you willing to put the work in to make sure my boys stay safe and healthy.
Riven I appreciate your post. I had no idea about the disregard for spraying. Makes me glad I just tossed when I did and didn't bother processing myself. From what I've understood pesticide, once it's sprayed, is there for good, no amount of scrubbing, boiling, or baking will get rid of it.
I've never seen the inside of apple (assuming it is apple) look green like that, especially if it has been baked. It does looked over baked to me with the bark peeling. The second picture is normal for the fuzz and I don't even try to scrub that off. It's near impossible to get the fuzz off of some woods, especially cottonwood and chins think it's the best part!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I try very hard to make sure the wood is clean and baked to make it as safe as possible for the chinnies. I was totally shocked when I processed my first batch of wood at how much dirt came off in the water.