Missing digit on toe *long question alert*

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Feb 20, 2009
I was watching Chip tonight and he was brining his left front paw up to his mouth and looked like he was nibbling on it (as I'm writing this I saw him do it again). This really didn't trouble me too much because I've seen him do similar things to pick out things like rosebud pieces from his teeth. I went to check it out because I want to make sure his teeth are ok. I couldn't see anything wrong, and he started biting on a piece of wood, so i thought all's well.

Not so. I notice that on his left from paw the first finger/toe is shorter than the rest. When I look closer, it is very hard to tell for sure, but it looks like he is missing the equivalent of his last knuckle on that toe. The end of the toe looks a bit rounder than the rest, and I see a small blackish/reddish circle in the middle. There is no blood and he runs on it fine, and it is still very hard to confirm how much if any of his finger is missing because their paws are so small and he won't keep it still (my wife doesn't even think there is a piece missing).

My questions for you are:
1. Is it possible his cagemate bit off a piece of his toe? I have only rarely heard of a chin doing this, but I'm no expert. I will say that they have been squabbling a little more in the last few months, and we had to take him to the vet for a cut on his ear a month ago that we suspected may have been from a fight, but the vet said just as likely caught it on something.

2. If it is missing, what can be done/needs to be done? I will take him to the vet tomorrow if i can get an appointment, but is there anything they can do for him (they couldn't for his ear)? is it possible it has healed over, and that he has had this for a long time and I just haven't noticed? this one is important because its harder to get appointments with the exotic vets and i'd rather wait to have them see him than an ER vet

3. Does this mean they should be separated? Is this an indication that they can't live together or can i rehab them to continue living together? both are males, ages 2.5 (the one that is hurt) and 1.5.

Sorry for such a long post, and thank you so much for any responses/information you can give
If there i no blood, it's probably been like this for a long time so you shouldn't worry about it.

Here I have a girl that has the tip of a toe missing too, it's been like that since I got her when she was 4 years old. It may be a fight or maybe she was just born like that.
If you think it could be a wound then you could put some Blu-Kote on it (you can get it at feed stores if you have one near you or order it on-line) but I don't think it warrants a vet visit unless you think there is an infection. The Blu-Kote won't hurt it even if it turns out it is just a funny looking chinnie toe. It can be messy since it is blue and stains but it is about it, use a Q-tip to apply and you will make less mess. I have often read about chins losing toes, mostly from another chin biting them if I recall correctly.

If you suspect that they are no longer getting along and that one chin injured the other then I would separate them at least for now. You could try to reintro them later. It doesn't necessarily mean that they can never live together again but you would need to be vigilant and be sure they are not fighting before you let them live together again and keep a really watchful eye on them.

If you think the vet was possibly correct about the ear getting caught on something then be sure to go through the cage very carefully to check for anything that could have caused the injury (poking wire, splintered wood, etc.) :).
I had a chinchilla (when I still had them), that got his foot caught in the run of a breeding cage, and it twisted around. I got him unstuck and rushed him to the vet because his toes looked broken. They ended up amputating his toes, and he was just fine.
I also had a breeding female who got injured-I can't remember now what happened to her leg, but it was a front leg, and she had to have it amputated all the way to the shoulder. After a large vet bill, and some TLC, she was healed and fine. She did very well with one front foot.
I would say if it is not bleeding, and he is still using it, then just keep an eye on it, and if there are any indications he is uncomfortable, in pain, or anything else, then take him in. If it looks like it has healed up fine then I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep an eye on the pair to make sure they are not fighting.
I have had several animals that get a toe caught in a feeder and once injured, have had then chew it off themselves and they have been totally fine.
It could come from a fight with another or it could have been self induced.
Bug and Pebbles shared a cage on more than one occasion. The first time that we put them together, Pebbles bit off one of Bug's toes. It healed just fine and whe had no problems without it. We started over with intros after the toe healed and they were the best of buds after that.
I've also had that happen - once in a fight, and once had a toe caught! Didn't even see it until healed - no limping, blood or anything, and they're fine.
Thanks everyone, it's good to know that he's not in dire straights. Here is a picture, just to keep you filled in on things.


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It does look like he has had an injury of some sort. I would put Blu-Kote on it and keep an eye on it :). Watch for any squabbling between the two.