I don't have my hedge 'hog' yet, but we have a miniature pot belly pig named 'Moo'. There's a video of him at the bottom, if you get sick of my rambling 
Moo came to live with us when he was around one year old and he's almost two now!
Don't let the 'mini' fool you, Moo was around 35-40 pounds when we got him and he is closer to 60 pounds now. From my research, he will probably continue to grow for at least two more years. (This is why he previous owners didn't want to keep him, he got too 'big' and 'bad'. (He grew normally and was spoiled as a cute baby )
I'm sure he was adorable as a baby but he is still ridiculously cute. Look at his snout! He's always smiling and happy! (And hungry)
Moo is very friendly, if you scratch him behind the ear he will happily follow you around for the rest of your life. He's also very smart. I taught him 'sit' in just a few minutes. He will do anything for food.
He lives in a large pen in our backyard, there is a nice house with fresh hay to sleep in, a pool for swimming/mud, and he comes out everyday to run, play with the dogs and vacuum the yard.
We tried to let him live in the house but he has a small issue with my fiancé, Dennis.
They get along very well but Moo always wants to pee in Dennis's shoes, even if he's still wearing them. (Dominance thing)
Moo would probably stop that behavior if we got him fixed but I'm still hoping to bring home a girlfriend for him someday and hopefully have just one litter before having everyone fixed.
( We're on a farm and have room for babies to grow and live here forever, unless you guys want one.. They are so cute! )
Moo loves to play with our four dogs, (supervised)
He can hold his own in a shoving match with our sweety-pie pit bull, Izzie, but you can see in the video that he plays pretty gently with our smallest dog, Sprocket the Jack Russell:
- Sarah
Moo came to live with us when he was around one year old and he's almost two now!
Don't let the 'mini' fool you, Moo was around 35-40 pounds when we got him and he is closer to 60 pounds now. From my research, he will probably continue to grow for at least two more years. (This is why he previous owners didn't want to keep him, he got too 'big' and 'bad'. (He grew normally and was spoiled as a cute baby )
I'm sure he was adorable as a baby but he is still ridiculously cute. Look at his snout! He's always smiling and happy! (And hungry)
Moo is very friendly, if you scratch him behind the ear he will happily follow you around for the rest of your life. He's also very smart. I taught him 'sit' in just a few minutes. He will do anything for food.
He lives in a large pen in our backyard, there is a nice house with fresh hay to sleep in, a pool for swimming/mud, and he comes out everyday to run, play with the dogs and vacuum the yard.
We tried to let him live in the house but he has a small issue with my fiancé, Dennis.
They get along very well but Moo always wants to pee in Dennis's shoes, even if he's still wearing them. (Dominance thing)
Moo would probably stop that behavior if we got him fixed but I'm still hoping to bring home a girlfriend for him someday and hopefully have just one litter before having everyone fixed.
( We're on a farm and have room for babies to grow and live here forever, unless you guys want one.. They are so cute! )
Moo loves to play with our four dogs, (supervised)
He can hold his own in a shoving match with our sweety-pie pit bull, Izzie, but you can see in the video that he plays pretty gently with our smallest dog, Sprocket the Jack Russell:
- Sarah