Metacam dosing question?

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Mar 23, 2011
If this somehow show's up as a double post, I apologize. It logged me out and I don't think it ever posted.

Anyway, my vet's very good and spot on with meds but I've never had to give any of them a pain med before. This is Metacam 0.5. It's in mL. For dogs. The syringe I have is in mL, and I was told 1 mL per pound. Kip is 545 grams. I some how measured this out to one drop, as 2 drops fill up a mL. Is anyone familair with this? I gave him only one drop, which was my guess by his weight, but I want to make sure. He seem's fine, just a little on the drowsy side.

I've been a chin owner for 7 years and this is my first time with a pain med. So I'm not sure, and I'm asking for some experienced answers out there. Thanks :)
It should be something around 0.1 mL. Didn't your vet give you a dosage with syringes? If not, give them a call and clairify before giving any drugs. It is not safe to guess. One drop was probably more than the recommended dose.

Why is this chin on Metacam?
Yeah, I clarified with him and that is the correct amount. I must not of been explaining it right. It's basically a very very tiny drop. It's suppose to be given once a day, for the next 3-5 days.

The reason for it was that he had a nasty spill during play time a few days ago. Took him to the vet immediately because he was hobbling around a little funny and they did a full look over. Nothing broken or damaged, he's just a little sore. It was just a "watch him" type of deal but I decided to put him in a smaller cage where he had less risk of making himself worse. His normal cage is about 5ft tall x 5ft wide. After a day I noticed he wasn't eating and seemed uncomfortable so I brought him back to the vet today and they double checked everything. The vet decided to give him some Metacam to help with the discomfort for a few days. I also asked for some critical care just in case. I think the not eating was due to discomfort and then the added stress of being in a cage he didn't want to be in. He's back in his usual one now and seems a lot more happy.

I just wanted some opinions on Metacam because it's not a drug Im familair with. Thanks.
Metecam is easier to dispense in a u-30 insulin syringe sans the needle. Its a tiny syringe and you cans easily see the dose.