Melanie's story

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Melanie is a very beautiful tan white. I got her at 8 weeks old from a local breeder. She was 225 when I got her. For some reason, she was always thin and never gained weight. She would not drink out of a water bottle either. Never. She has a weird bird feeder that was not all open, but had an open slit in it she would drink from a little bit.

For almost 8 months we hand fed and watered this girl, brought her to the vet over and over, no malo, no giardia, nothing wrong with her blood tests, we treated for everything possible, tried meds for parasites, antibiotics, lifeline, pain meds, everything. She never got above 300 grams. She was so sad looking and did not get that lively spark kits get, never. I loved her so much, but finally realized I needed to do something. I said if she did not get better in 2 months, I would put her down.

She just never improved. Two months later, I cried when she was 275. I had to do it. So the next day we had a vet visit. I weighed her, just in case that morning. She was 290. I thought the scale was broken. I really did, but cancelled the vet app. The next day she was 300. She kept growing. The only thing we had done differently is we had switched from Mazuri to PANR. I mixed her CC with 50% pellets to help on costs and I swear that is what did it. She realized the crushed mix in her cage tasted good, and started eating, and drinking. I had tried Kline, which is what the breeder had her on, Oxbow too, with no luck at all. But for some reason, thank you God, she liked the PANR. She is now 860 grams, and so chunky and full of energy! I can't believe about a year ago she was 275 grams and almost put down. I just had to share a happy story since there has been so many sad ones lately. I will post pictures when I get home!
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That's great news congrats on her recovery
Its so nice to hear stories like this 1 :thumbsup:
Thanks so much for sharing! This is actually really helpful as I have a similar problem right now. I have a female I acquired from another breeder, and she was a little underweight at the time, but had just weaned kits, so I didn't think anything of it. I have kept her out of breeding to gain back that weight, but it's been almost a year now and she barely weighs anything more than what she did. I have had her checked, just as you did, for all kinds of issues, and no problems. After hearing this, I will try switching her to PANR and see how she does.
wonderful lets see pictures! ;)

Thanks for sharing.
Here she is as a kit, she never got bigger than this for about 8 months! (from the breeder)


And here she is now, nice and blocky!




I don't have any of her sick because, well that is not something I want to remember! She is now in with 2 other girls and just doing great, catching up weight wise too!
She's absolutely beautiful! Such a heartwarming story... so glad you didn't give up on her :))
Thank you, I have been so happy with her! She was so sick and sad looking, I had a pet sitter that fed her while I went on a trip once and she just fell in love with her. It is so sad to see that and just not knowing what the problem is. It is so frustrating! And so hard to know when to let go, especially when you don't know what is wrong. Malo is one thing, but when they have a chance, it is hard. I spoke with the breeder so many times, and she agreed it was time to put her down. I think she knew it and just started eating!
Wow, she is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so happy she had a happy ending and that she is now truely happy and healthy! Kudos to you for not giving up and finding what she needed to grow and thrive!
She was just a late bloomer with a HUGE groth spurt!
Glad it worked out!
I was NOT expecting a happy ending to that story, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to read how well she's done! She's gorgeous, too! Congratulations on finding the key to help her thrive!