Meet Rex (pacman frog)

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Honestly, they are very happy in a 10g. With any other animal I would say it is too small, but with a pacman frog they literally just sit there, either half buried in the bedding, or in their water dish. On almost every site you see for the care of these guys they almost all say a 10g is sufficient.

Edit: Thinking about it, I realized we were talking about pinkies, not jumpers, so there will be no hair, and probably just a smaller poo. I would try to feed him the next day or two to see if he takes anything. Mine LOVES earthworms, so you may want to try that as well.
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I really wasn't sure about the size of the acquarium. As you mentioned, I also notices that on most sites, they say a 10g is sufficient. And ya, he really just does sit there, lol. The reason I wasn't sure, though, was because websites also say that chins should have raisins and fresh veggies and so on... hard to know what's actually true on the internet anymore...

I'll have to try feeding him various things. So far, all I've tried is the crickets and he shows no interest, but I'll have to try some other stuff after the poo.... quick in the kind you find outside in the dirt? Or do places SELL earthworms? Er like... fish-bait-earthworms? (I've oddly enough never thought about feeding earthworms...)
I really laughed when I saw Kate's post about him being adorable. I thought only Kate would say that, then I saw him and he IS adorable! I love how chunky he is. He looks very stoic too so Rex is the perfect name for him as it means King!

Hahahahaha thanks laurie!!!!! There is something about those faces only a mother could love that i always fall for! (Dont tell chris that though!):tease:
Just go to walmart and grab some earthworms/nightcrawlers (the larger the better, especially for one his size) out of the fridge in the fishing department. They live a good while in your home as well as long as they are kept in the fridge.
From what I've been told... anything they can get into their mouths, hence the name.

Congrats on the new addition!

It's so true! I fed mine nightcrawlers, mealies, crickets (when he was a wee one), pinkies, jumpers, my finger...yeah, he got it once. :p