MCBA Shindig!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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MCBA & ECBC Member
Feb 1, 2009
Southwest, WI
MCBA's annual Shindig will be Friday and Saturday August 8, 2009 at the 4-H Building in Auburn, IN!!

Join us Friday night for a pizza party from 5:30-7:30. Catch up with old friends and meet new ones!
You're welcome to stay for the National Board meeting at 7:30.

Here is a sampling of the topics we're going to cover this year...

Hay - the different types and how chins use it. Presented by Dr. Ed Bonnett - animal nutritionist

Managing a Small Herd
Classifying - How and Why
Health Care on the Ranch
Round Table of Ranchers

Watch for more details to follow!
Questions? Let me - Brenda Walter ([email protected])- or Becky West ([email protected]) know
One of these years I will make it to this, if people stop getting married so I can take a summer weekend for myself...
Sat. is when they discuss the topics Brenda listed above.
At the Saturday portion of the Shindig we have knowledgeable people who give presentations and demonstrations on the proper care of chins. We try to educate people to things they need to know to have healthy animals, genetics, how to show them and what to look for in quality, what markets are out there for people who want to raise chins as a business and other such topics depending on the year. It’s a good time to meet and learn from other people involved with chins from the pet owners all the way to the bigger ranchers. If you have things you want to learn about chinchilla’s then this is a good place to come and learn as the people there are very friendly, open and helpful.
I've been working on Saturday's schedule and have a few more speakers solidified:

Dr. Ed on Hay
Ms. Torgerson on Managing a small herd
Jim Ritterspach on classification - how and why
Dave and Chris Woods agreed to do a round table discussion (I plan on other ranchers as well, but still have to talk with them)
We will do a session on grading animals if you have any you want a professional eye to look at - bring them along!

Other topics I have planned and need to verify the speaker - Health care on the ranch, Record keeping, Pelt processing, shipping animals and the ranch certification program.

Everything's lining up to for a great day with lots of information to be shared!

There will be a silent auction for animals - so bring critters you want to sell, or bring money if you are looking to buy!

It is $20 to attend and $23 for the banquet Saturday night.
Please let me know if you will be attending the banquet as we have it catered and need a number. If you do not RSVP, we will not have a dinner for you.
Bumpin this up! Please let me know if you plan on attending and having dinner with us! I need to get a number to the caterer. :D
Looking forward to a fun time with lots of info to be shared!!!
Poor Brenda has to endure another car ride with me! Soon she will either start sedating me prior to departure, or we'll be taking the truck and I'll be riding in the back...:neener:
Poor Brenda has to endure another car ride with me! Soon she will either start sedating me prior to departure, or we'll be taking the truck and I'll be riding in the back...:neener:

Ooh - now there's a couple of good ideas... hmm... ;)
(Luv ya, Wendy! Mwah!)