Man those horror stories worked!

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Scooper of all the poops!
Apr 9, 2014
Livingston, TX
Dessy is a standard girl, who initially came from a hobby breeder. Once I decided I'd gotten the hang of one chinchilla, I started considering eventually breeding her once or twice to see if I could get a daughter out of her.

Then I read the breeding horror stories, and saw the pictures.

Then I thought maybe I'll just get her a friend one day.

Then I read the horror stories of chin fights, and saw the wounds.

As much as I'm sure she'd like company (she used to be housed with her mother) I don't want to risk her or another chin getting hurt.

Now I'm considering one of those fleece snuggle buddies, though I don't know if she'd do anything other than pee on it.
Chins get into trouble just existing, I am with you keep it simple! The thought of breeding scares the crud out of me, and pairs I had too many issues with so now my singles think I am their best buddy, just be her buddy!
I always feel really anxious when I see people post about breeding and they are so nonchalant "like you just get a boy and a girl right?" :banghead:

I went through the same thoughts I don't like to think of my chin as lonely but I like the thought of her getting bullied or worse even less. I keep her lots of company.
It sux telling horror stories, but it can be quite effective. To many ppl dont have a clue and dont no what they are doing. (Including me when the first kit was born.) I got lucky. Overwhelming lucky. It could have gone sooooo much worse. But i would use those stories to dissuade ppl that clearly dont know better,