Males vs. Females

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Males or Females?

  • Males

    Votes: 62 48.8%
  • Females

    Votes: 29 22.8%
  • Both are the Same

    Votes: 36 28.3%

  • Total voters
i think the reason many people think females can be more mean than males is because they are often more hyper. the males have been known to be more lazy (hey just like humans!) but it really depends on the individual chinchilla. adopt for personality not looks or sex
Sometimes their personality is from genetics...a lot of time it is how they are handled from birth.
This is very true! All the chins we sell here (and the rescues we get in and rehome) are handled daily... and it does make a difference! Even sometimes in a reasonably short period of time. I've gotten in some rescues that clearly were thrown in a cage one day and never taken out again. They're scared, skittish, and just not the friendliest chins. They're afraid, so they squirm and bite. And time can fix that, but often it takes a LOT of time.

On the other hand... the current set of kits we're working with - the mom has not gotten in any milk, so we've been handfeeding them since about a week after they were born... and we handle all kits daily, but these guys have had special treatment since we're feeding them every 2 hours... they're all girls, which I admit can sometimes be... crabby ... and I have to say, I have never seen a sweeter set of girls. Not that babies are ever really "unfriendly" in my book, but these guys are just so social and they want to be with people and will hop right into your hand/lap... and I really do think it's because of how much time we spend with them...
I vote Males, also find them easier to litter box train - Why ? No clue !
they both have pros and cons, but i prefer males as pets/companion animals. Females shoot urine much accurately, but thats just my opinion haha
vote for male

I recently adopted a boy and a girl chin.. in the first week i made friends with my little boy to the point where he would allow me to reach in and pick him up and he would climb onto my shoulder and nuzzle my ear <3 my little girl on the other hand will allow me to only scratch behind her ear but will run if i eeven attempt to pick her up.. my vote would be males.. they seem to attach quicker

I have a female and have never experienced having a male.
But my chin, never sprayed me before.
So in my case, from my own experience I would say females :)
While in most cases, I generally find males to be friendlier (Rabbits, horses, guinea pigs, dogs), Magyk is the only Chinchilla I've ever had and she's a real sweetie-pie. I don't have experience with males, though, so I can't really say.

While females spray, I know a deciding factor for some people are the hair ring checks for males. Some people are just squemish over that sort of thing and it is necessary. Personally, I don't find it that bad (If you've ever had a gelding, you've done cleanings far more 'personal' then a chinchilla requires) but I know it can be a factor.
i have one male and one female.
my female is loveable and hasn't sprayed yet.
my male is still in his hiding phase (had him since Dec 31) so i can't really say anything about him yet.
I personally like males better. My female dogs or cats always seemed so diva like. They boys are more easy going, so that's why I decided on male chinchillas.
I love my three girls...and am daily grateful that I will never ever have to worry about a hair ring check. Sure the moodiness can be a pain, but for me that makes me love my girls even more!
my first chin was a boy that I loved till he passed at 19. so I got a girl and she sprayed and bit, and hated me :p so I got another boy later (caged seperate) and once again he loved me. the girls i have now are super sweet! but I've always found boys to be more loving :)
I find my male chins are a lot more sweet and loving than my female. But that could just be my chins xD
I'm totally biased in this poll what with having one male chin. the spaying thing turned me off girls. boys in chins and geldings in horses, but girls for dogs cats, rats and most other animals ive dealt with.