Rodent lover!
Good morning to everyone! I'm a new Chinchilla owner, and i'll make a post introducing myself, but I would like to first post this because i'm pretty worried about my little guy. We just got our chin on last wed, so we haven't had him yet a week, but this will be our first boy chin, and on the second day we had him i noticed he was chewing, itching, or just down by his man bits quite a bit, and i thought maybe it might be normal, but i looked it up anyways, and i noticed that males can get a hair ring down there. I read some more about it, and watched some videos, but him being a new guy to us, and is still a bit skittish of us i'm not able to pick up him, and fully check for a hair ring. I've been watching him now for the last couple days, and looking at pictures of a male chin's *****, and it's not looking like it's black and blue, but i also read that it's not supposed to be out, it's supposed to go in the stealth. Well his seems to be out almost all the time, and almost looks like a tear drop shape. Kind of pointed at the end, and fat at the top. He seems to be eating, and I've had him out now twice for floor time, and he's running around wall jumping, and being very energetic. I did make a visit to the local exotic vet for Tomorrow as they are not open today, and he was not in on Friday. I'm just wondering if anyone can tell by what i've posted if he's in need of vet care. I don't mind taking him in, and I will feel a lot better if i do. I'm pretty freaked out, and just looking for some advice. Thank you kindly for your time, and i really hope i posted this in the right spot!