Well-known member
I'm glad I took him in. Everyone I tell about his surgery think I'm nuts. I'm glad my fiancé is supporting me though this though. He told me yesterday that I should have never bought him from the guy, but I'm glad I did. My fiancé' is actually covering the surgery and I'm going to pay him back.
He said he could have bought me a whole heard of them for the price of the surgery. Lol. I thought to myself would you have just let me suffer and die instead of getting the surgery done? I consider him a part of my family now. If his life can be improved if there is something done then I will find a way. That and he’s only 4. That's like telling 14 year old kid their life is over because he can't have a surgery to save his life. So many more years ahead of him. Just speeking in terms of years of life there. Did I do my math right there?
This vet seems like she knows more too. Not that the other vet was bad, but she did miss the stone on physical inspection. This vet said she could actually feel it. She took more time with him also.
I'm actually treating my other chin for bumble foot right now with Baytril suspension. He's on day 8 of 14 and is still eating. I started adding the probiotic to his food as well and noticed that his poops are longer and skinny not as short and plump as they used to be. I’d say about the same amount of matter though. It’s been 2 days he’s had the add-in. I'm not sure if that's the drugs, or the probiotic. He's still eating his hay and pellets and drinking his water. I did ask the vet assistant about him too, if he does stop eating and force feeding. She said to continue with the drugs, so it’s still fighting the infection, to just mush up some of his pellets and feed him that. But, not to wait till he stops because if they stop their systems shut down and don't turn back on. We're going to go over how much and how often when I go into pick up Sigmund.
Is Critical Care really anything more than ground up pellets with probiotics added to it? The one I got (from Whole Foods if you’re wondering where from) has a pretty high bacteria count. I think it was $14.99 for a bottle of capsules, I can’t remember how many I’ll have to dig it out and look. I was looking at those chewable ones people were talking about, but they have citric acid and sucrose (sugar) added to them so I’m steering clear of those.
I went to look at the Bene-Bac today at Pet co and saw that you can get in the little squish tubes. I think it was 5 to a pack. Or they had a paper pouch of the powdered stuff to mix with water. I didn’t get it but, it said it had beneficial bacteria in it to aid in digestion. I figured I had the same thing with the BP8 and I can take it myself. Oh, I also saw a bigger container of it, like vitamin bottle size maybe ½ a cup, in the bird section, but don’t know if it was the same stuff.
I figured the vet bill was going to be towards a grand for a stone. I was hoping it was only a UTI. Alas, it was not so. Yes we were lucky, I suppose, that it was only one stone. The vet was saying sometimes they can get multiple stones and even crystalline ones that cause even more damage. She said they can be found in the urethra also. I’m glad there was no chance of this one moving. If for some unholy reason it did there would have been major problems.
Well the tap water, in this part of the country, minerals are the primary concern over giardia. The water here still isn’t as bad as Phoenix or Biloxi though. I’m going to look into the distilled water. For now I’ll keep the Britta filter and boil. My other thought on water, after I was looking at the Pure filters at the store today; what about fluoride? Do they just add fluoride to city tap water, or is it added to bottled water also? It’s primarily for our teeth, but is it ok for the chins? The Pure filter says it leaves the fluoride in the water.
The damage was more from the cruddy diet he was on. If I remember correctly the vet said if he was having too much alfalfa that could have also attributed to it. But, I’m not sure how. I’ll clarify that with her tomorrow. That’s in addition to the water. And, the gator aid didn’t help. Then there was his running all day... I know when I feel dehydrated moving about doesn’t make me feel good no matter how much water I drink. He was bookin’ on that wheel when I came to get him.
Now that I think about it he was probably amped up on all that sugar. Maybe sugar highs and crashes were a factor there… Can you tell I’m a worry wart? Makes me feel bad I took his toy away from him. Maybe he ran to make his own fan with that thing. Haha. That’s my next mission when he gets better; to find him a wheel. I was thinking of taking the saucer I got for Stitch ‘cause he doesn’t use it. Had it in there since November. He just hides under it. (I’m not sure if he just doesn’t know how, or maybe his feet hurt too much). Maybe I’ll make that a play time toy… I know I could be getting ahead of myself.
I hope he does make it through recovery. Surgery is tough on even us big people. It’s a wonder they make it through the stress of even a car ride to me. Especially in the 118 degree weather we had today. Had to let the car run in the drive way with AC on full blast and towel draped over the seat to cool the air down. Then took his little carrier and wrapped some ice packs in a fleece baby blanket for the bedding so he wouldn’t die of heat stroke or freeze his little toes. Sheesh. Was thinking of throwin’ an umbrella in the car to circulate the air around his little carrier. But, instead held the thing in my arm for the half hour drive there, so he was in the actual air current. It’s a work out I tell you.
My hesitation with the Life Line are:
Bee pollen and honey; are they not the same? Honey is basically sugar. Wheat, oats and rice possibly causing bloat or being indigestible? Also, higher in fat, no? Papaya has sugar, and is a known human laxative to some people. Pineapple, beets, and molasses also high source of natural sugar. Do they tolerate citrus well? Obviously, the can if yours and others lived. It’s just not naturally occurring where they are from. He was already on a high fat high sugar diet, and I’m not sure that would be the best thing for him even though it does have added probiotics in it. Maybe the ingredients are derivative from those things and I’m all wrong. I’ve never really had to watch anyone else’s diet like this, and am no nutritionist. The other stuff I have no clue about. I know there are quite a few people here who swear by this stuff. I do plan on taking the information on it to the vet with me and asking what she thinks about giving it to him.
We are supposed to go over what he should eat and how to take care of him when I pick him up. The test they are running on the stone is supposed to determine what it’s made of. Hopefully it will help us know what he wasn’t tolerating. I think until I hear different from the vet I’d just try the ground pellets with the BP8 added. That and it’s one less expense right now. Oh I just remembered, she did say something about baby food….
Anybody know about, or had to deal with complications that could arise now that he’s had surgery?
To be honest with you the last thing I sewed was by hand a couple weeks ago and it took for ever. I have a machine I have yet to break in. But, am planning on trying as soon as I can. Our friend that lives with us is moving out this coming week. So we’ll be rearranging and painting the house after that. It might be a couple weeks before I get the chance to make anything. :/ I’ve been toying with the idea of a not so messy hay holder. Ha! We’ll see how that goes. I’ll let you know once I’ve made a prototype and tested it.
So, are you talking like a swaddling cloth a.k.a. chin straight jacket? In the shape of a square tray to wrap a chin in, a paper lunch bag shape, or just a pouch like a pillow case? Would you to slip the chin inside with just his head sticking out? Would this be used instead of the chin burrito for feeding and meds, or just to get them to hold still?
Either I suck at burrito, or Stitch is too squirmy. I foot ball wrestle him to give him his meds. I’m not sure how we’re going to give Sigmund his. I’m afraid I’ll hurt him even more now that he’s had the operation. He’s really going to hate me. I might have to make his quarantine 2, or 3 months, so he’ll warm up to me again before I really introduce him to Stitch. Which reminds me I have to wash his cuddle buddy for him… Wonder if he’s allowed to have her with his wound and all. Hummm.
I'm sorry for being so long winded. It’s really great to have some where to go with people that know things and that empathize with you. Thank you guys for being so supportive and sharing your knowledge.
Will keep you updated.
This vet seems like she knows more too. Not that the other vet was bad, but she did miss the stone on physical inspection. This vet said she could actually feel it. She took more time with him also.
I'm actually treating my other chin for bumble foot right now with Baytril suspension. He's on day 8 of 14 and is still eating. I started adding the probiotic to his food as well and noticed that his poops are longer and skinny not as short and plump as they used to be. I’d say about the same amount of matter though. It’s been 2 days he’s had the add-in. I'm not sure if that's the drugs, or the probiotic. He's still eating his hay and pellets and drinking his water. I did ask the vet assistant about him too, if he does stop eating and force feeding. She said to continue with the drugs, so it’s still fighting the infection, to just mush up some of his pellets and feed him that. But, not to wait till he stops because if they stop their systems shut down and don't turn back on. We're going to go over how much and how often when I go into pick up Sigmund.
Is Critical Care really anything more than ground up pellets with probiotics added to it? The one I got (from Whole Foods if you’re wondering where from) has a pretty high bacteria count. I think it was $14.99 for a bottle of capsules, I can’t remember how many I’ll have to dig it out and look. I was looking at those chewable ones people were talking about, but they have citric acid and sucrose (sugar) added to them so I’m steering clear of those.
I went to look at the Bene-Bac today at Pet co and saw that you can get in the little squish tubes. I think it was 5 to a pack. Or they had a paper pouch of the powdered stuff to mix with water. I didn’t get it but, it said it had beneficial bacteria in it to aid in digestion. I figured I had the same thing with the BP8 and I can take it myself. Oh, I also saw a bigger container of it, like vitamin bottle size maybe ½ a cup, in the bird section, but don’t know if it was the same stuff.
I figured the vet bill was going to be towards a grand for a stone. I was hoping it was only a UTI. Alas, it was not so. Yes we were lucky, I suppose, that it was only one stone. The vet was saying sometimes they can get multiple stones and even crystalline ones that cause even more damage. She said they can be found in the urethra also. I’m glad there was no chance of this one moving. If for some unholy reason it did there would have been major problems.
Well the tap water, in this part of the country, minerals are the primary concern over giardia. The water here still isn’t as bad as Phoenix or Biloxi though. I’m going to look into the distilled water. For now I’ll keep the Britta filter and boil. My other thought on water, after I was looking at the Pure filters at the store today; what about fluoride? Do they just add fluoride to city tap water, or is it added to bottled water also? It’s primarily for our teeth, but is it ok for the chins? The Pure filter says it leaves the fluoride in the water.
The damage was more from the cruddy diet he was on. If I remember correctly the vet said if he was having too much alfalfa that could have also attributed to it. But, I’m not sure how. I’ll clarify that with her tomorrow. That’s in addition to the water. And, the gator aid didn’t help. Then there was his running all day... I know when I feel dehydrated moving about doesn’t make me feel good no matter how much water I drink. He was bookin’ on that wheel when I came to get him.
I hope he does make it through recovery. Surgery is tough on even us big people. It’s a wonder they make it through the stress of even a car ride to me. Especially in the 118 degree weather we had today. Had to let the car run in the drive way with AC on full blast and towel draped over the seat to cool the air down. Then took his little carrier and wrapped some ice packs in a fleece baby blanket for the bedding so he wouldn’t die of heat stroke or freeze his little toes. Sheesh. Was thinking of throwin’ an umbrella in the car to circulate the air around his little carrier. But, instead held the thing in my arm for the half hour drive there, so he was in the actual air current. It’s a work out I tell you.
My hesitation with the Life Line are:
Bee pollen and honey; are they not the same? Honey is basically sugar. Wheat, oats and rice possibly causing bloat or being indigestible? Also, higher in fat, no? Papaya has sugar, and is a known human laxative to some people. Pineapple, beets, and molasses also high source of natural sugar. Do they tolerate citrus well? Obviously, the can if yours and others lived. It’s just not naturally occurring where they are from. He was already on a high fat high sugar diet, and I’m not sure that would be the best thing for him even though it does have added probiotics in it. Maybe the ingredients are derivative from those things and I’m all wrong. I’ve never really had to watch anyone else’s diet like this, and am no nutritionist. The other stuff I have no clue about. I know there are quite a few people here who swear by this stuff. I do plan on taking the information on it to the vet with me and asking what she thinks about giving it to him.
We are supposed to go over what he should eat and how to take care of him when I pick him up. The test they are running on the stone is supposed to determine what it’s made of. Hopefully it will help us know what he wasn’t tolerating. I think until I hear different from the vet I’d just try the ground pellets with the BP8 added. That and it’s one less expense right now. Oh I just remembered, she did say something about baby food….
Anybody know about, or had to deal with complications that could arise now that he’s had surgery?
To be honest with you the last thing I sewed was by hand a couple weeks ago and it took for ever. I have a machine I have yet to break in. But, am planning on trying as soon as I can. Our friend that lives with us is moving out this coming week. So we’ll be rearranging and painting the house after that. It might be a couple weeks before I get the chance to make anything. :/ I’ve been toying with the idea of a not so messy hay holder. Ha! We’ll see how that goes. I’ll let you know once I’ve made a prototype and tested it.
So, are you talking like a swaddling cloth a.k.a. chin straight jacket? In the shape of a square tray to wrap a chin in, a paper lunch bag shape, or just a pouch like a pillow case? Would you to slip the chin inside with just his head sticking out? Would this be used instead of the chin burrito for feeding and meds, or just to get them to hold still?
Either I suck at burrito, or Stitch is too squirmy. I foot ball wrestle him to give him his meds. I’m not sure how we’re going to give Sigmund his. I’m afraid I’ll hurt him even more now that he’s had the operation. He’s really going to hate me. I might have to make his quarantine 2, or 3 months, so he’ll warm up to me again before I really introduce him to Stitch. Which reminds me I have to wash his cuddle buddy for him… Wonder if he’s allowed to have her with his wound and all. Hummm.
I'm sorry for being so long winded. It’s really great to have some where to go with people that know things and that empathize with you. Thank you guys for being so supportive and sharing your knowledge.
Will keep you updated.