My chinchilla is a proper young lady and has never farted around me, lol. I had never thought about a chin farting before this thread. My dog kills me with his farts, my cats rarely fart, and my chin, bless her, has never farted.
I've never smelt any nuts or pasta though...
Hmm, I would be glad about not needing to investigate the furry booty's. :thumbsup:Perhaps I don't pay enough attention to my chins' butts?
Does anyone have any actual research information regarding chins having anal sacs, or is this based on assumption? I've never smelled a burnt almond chin... but I'm not doubting they do left off a smell in some way or another, what I am curious about is if this has a scientific basis to it, or if it's based on the knowledge of other animals, primarily carnivores, having anal sacs.
It's really surprising that you haven't smelled it before after so many years.
Hence the name "Ravenous Deadly Zombie Chins"? (Love that BTW!)It happens all the time here.