I think the government should provide clothing and shoes for our children to go to school, as well as their lunches, and transportation there, and all of their supplies, money for field trips, t-shirts for special events, summer camps, basketball camps, cheer leading camps, and other group trips, even the very expensive ones.
And that would solve all of these problems wouldn't it? Prepare for tax hike... it'll only cost an extra $400 a month out of everyone's pay checks, but if you don't work because you're took lazy or just can't stop having kids ( I don't know how it's happening! ) , that's okay too, all of us who do will pay for your children's other needs 24/7.
Because that is what it is going to come to.
People pay for McDonald's and it's not healthy, but they will complain that the free meal their kids get at school that they don't pay for because they're just too lazy, cheap, or irresponsible is not a good square meal.
How many of these parents have new phones, clothes, cars, or spend $5 a day for a pack a smokes? What's that? They smoke TWO packs a day?! No wonder why they can't pay for their kids' lunch! The problem here is not parents who can't afford it, because they can get the free lunch, the problem is people who do NOT put their families first before their needs and wants.
I'm curious here, how many people here have kids in school, and what does lunch cost? I know it's not like $5 a day. Here it's $1.95 then $1.00 for breakfast, which my kids LOVE to eat at school, so I figure for a dollar a day, it makes their day better, good. Andi's teacher said that Andi seems to really love the school breakfast and when she comes to class she's is chatter non-stop! So maybe that's not a good thing...