Lots of Ralphie pics!

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Adorable Shayna! But that poor poor toy's virtue.... You really need to have a talk with that guy! :rofl:
Thanks everyone! All of your lovely comments about Ralph have been relayed to him, and he is very pleased ;)

He looks so fluffy and soft! I've never touched a chinchilla before, and seeing Ralphie's lovely fur makes me want to snorgle him.

AlbertaGirl, Ralph was very intrigued by this "snorgle" you speak of, and would like to test it out. He thinks it would be way better than the scritches and kisses I give him (ungrateful little brat, he is). He said to let you know that he has room in his schedule this Saturday at 2 am.
Shayna, I am absoultely jealous of Ralphie!! I love ebonies! one day I will have my own! He is adorable by the way :)