Losing weight

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I need suggestions Please!!!!
I house my two chin girls together and i am noticing that zarah is starting to lose weight. Jojo seems to eat more so i am wondering what to do. When i separate them at feeding time, Jojo eats but Zarah watches and tries to get to Jojo. Any suggestions????
If you are noticing one not allowing the other to eat, you can try adding another feed bowl and another water bottle to the cage. But if it continues, you should separate the girls always. To me, that is bullying and not a behavior I would allow to continue. It's only asking for one to keep picking on the other and is not good for the submissive one.
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I would try using two bowls - that seems to work well for a lot of people, from what I've heard. Any other symptoms that might indicate illness rather than malnutrition, such as lethargy, etc?
I agree, try 2 feeding bowls. If things do not improve, separate. This means one is bullying the other. However, I noticed you said that you separate them during "feeding time". Chinchillas do best when free-fed throughout the day as they only eat when they are hungry- chinchillas will not over eat. If you give them a certain period of time to eat, one may bully the other to get food, but if you free-feed this allows them to sort-of take turns, persay.