Hi guys! Writing about my chin chowder. For a few weeks now his cage has been developing a strong odor which I refer to as “petting zoo” odor & im not sure if he’s got a loose stool. His poop is getting on his hut and the fleece as if he’s stepping in it and tracking it. He’s mosaic so his fur stains easily and was never perfect as he was a rescue. But does he have diarrhea? I’ve never experienced this before. My other chin is in the level above him (they’re separated, not friends lol) and there’s no odor on his level. Is it time for a trip to the vet ? He eats and drinks and has acted himself. Just making a big mess of his cage and the smell is throwing me off. I’ve never smelled it from any of my chins before. Thanks for the advice ! Also, his feet are dirty how can I go about cleaning them? Baby wipes ?