Just out of curiosity, why would you recommend these? Have you tried them all? There are many other feeds available for chins including Tradition, which is hands down the best chin food out there, IMO, yet it didn't make your list. Nor did Nutrena or APD.
To the OP: Wal-Mart.com now carries the Ferret Nation and Critter Nation cages with free shipping to your home. They aren't bundles, but they are fantastic cages that are highly recommended by pet owners on this forum. It's easy and cheap to get shelves cut to mount in the cages as well. Bundles rarely have what is good for chins, and often times the products aren't even safe.
Before getting your chin, take the time to read through the various forums here. Any questions you have can be answered right here without going to several different links. Read through the housing section, the new chin owner section, and in particular, read through the nutrition section which will tell you about various foods as well as what safe treats are, what kind of water is recommended, etc.
The most important thing I would recommend to you, before you buy anything (including a chin) is to check your area for a chinchilla experienced vet. Too many people are coming on forum now with dire emergencies and chins lives hanging by a thread, only to repeatedly tell us that there are no vets in their area. A chin is not a dog or a cat who can go to see any vet any time. Vets who treat chins are few and far between. Before getting a pet, you should always be sure that you have proper veterinary care available. Hopefully you will never need it. But if something happens at 2 a.m. and you need a vet right now, you'll be glad you did the research and have the numbers handy.
Welcome to CnH.