Lookie what I got!!!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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How cute! I love horses and the mini's are particularly cute! Congrats on the new addition!
Thanks everyone, he sure is a cutie and is even sweeter everytime I see him. I have been wanting one forever and since we will be moving into our new house soon I was finally able to get one. I actually tried to get this boy 3 weeks ago. There was an ad in our local paper for him, I called and was set to go see him later that day but when I called back for directions she told me he was sold. So we had been on a mission since then to find one, we went to a few auctions with no luck. On Sunday we were actually on a road trip to see a different mini. We were about half way into our 1 hour and 15 minute trip when my cell phone rang. I didn't know who it was but I answered anyways. It was the lady from 3 weeks ago saying that the person never showed up to pay for or pick up her colt so he was available. I was so excited because he had sounded more like what I wanted more than the one we were driving to see. We still went and saw the other one but wasn't "the one", so we headed back home to see this guy, this lady only lives about 8 miles from me. As soon as I walked in the barn and saw his tiny noses trying to peak over the stall wall I knew he'd be coming home with us, lol.

Since we aren't moved into our new house yet we took him right to the barn I work at. So he's in a huge 12x12 stall, he's tiny and looks even smaller in that stall:) We don't have a barn yet at the new house but we will be converting our work shop that is behind the attached garage into a "barn" for him. There's already a fenced area off of that for his pasture. It will be great, I've always wanted an "attached" barn, I can go out and see him in my slippers, lol.
Yeah I'm totally jealous too lol!!

How about calling him "Diamond"? "Cause he's not a ring, but his eyes sure do sparkle :heart4::heart4::heart4:
You know, I haven't decided if he's cute or not.. I just can't tell, I think I need more pictures to tell.... Thank you!

(Congrats, BTW!!!!)