Look what we found this morning!

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This morning we found a beautiful baby girl! :heart3:


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While the baby is adorably cue, that is NOT a baby-safe cage. Until you get a baby safe cage, put mom and kit in a cat carrier that the baby can't get out of. Because the baby WILL get out, it's not going to just sit with mom. a FN is way too big for a mom and kits, both in wire size and inside space.

Also, what're you feeding mom? That food looks like it has a bunch of crap in it (might just be bedding).
They aren't in that cage anymore we just took the pictures before we moved them, and that is just bedding. Thanks for the concern.
While the baby is adorably cue, that is NOT a baby-safe cage. Until you get a baby safe cage, put mom and kit in a cat carrier that the baby can't get out of. Because the baby WILL get out, it's not going to just sit with mom. a FN is way too big for a mom and kits, both in wire size and inside space.

Also, what're you feeding mom? That food looks like it has a bunch of crap in it (might just be bedding).

If you're talking about the stuff in the light blue bowl, you'd be correct, I do believe that is food and I do believe I spy quite a few 'treats' in there, probably that Vita Prima crap.

To the thread OP, congrats on the baby, but where did you get a pregnant female? Were you aware she was pregnant?
I must agree with Ash, that doesn't look like a very baby safe cage.
Congrats though, baby is very cute.
Beautiful mosiac baby - take pics every two weeks to keep track of the changes they do!
I agree with the food situation - change it!!
I would also change that bedding pan thing that they're laying in. It's not a good idea to have plastic in a cage with chinchillas, whether they're chewing on it or not. You never know if they could just decide to start chewing on it.
Very pretty baby, but you really need to take care of the food issue and get a safe cage. If she was just born this morning, how do you have a cage ready? Where is the dad?
I am sorry. I just can't get over this food thing. I have looked time and time again at the food bowl and comparing it to the bedding, it just doesn't look like bedding to me. Instead it looks like banana chips and other bits of fruit in there. :sick: You really need to remove the food and replace it with a high quality pellet if you want a healthy mom and healthy kit.

Anyhow, congratulations.
We had a cage from when she had her first baby and the dad is in a big cage of his own. I am having my husband pick up some new food on his way home, and will have him get something else for a litter pan.
Have him get a better quality food this time. PetSmart and Petco both sell Oxbow and Mazuri. Have him get one of those. I personally would choose the Oxbow.

Also, make sure she has lots of good quality hay to munch on, especially if this is her first kit. It'll keep her in place! Petco I know for sure offers Oxbow hay.

You're going to notice a change in price with these feeds, and that's okay. It's because they are a better quality feed, actually formulated for chinchillas instead of some odd species of critter a food company thought up.

She's an adorable baby! Congratulations!
We had a cage from when she had her first baby and the dad is in a big cage of his own. I am having my husband pick up some new food on his way home, and will have him get something else for a litter pan.

Are you an active breeder? Just curious, not to be rude or prying or anything. New food is a great plan, I agree with Tunes and reccomend either Mazuri or Oxbow pellets, and also you can look into buying some PANR, that's a really really good brand and a lot of people sell it on here or you can buy it at a feed store. For some reason I could have sworn you lived in Kernersville NC, and if that's the case, there's a feed store up there that sells Mazuri in 25 lb bags for like, $14.25, I could find them for you again and PM you their number. Once again, congrats, cute little girl and good luck!
I wouldn't worry so much about the litter pan; if she's not chewing it, don't worry about it.

Does she have a wooden box to hide in with the kit? Something safe?

So you know about the cage and you know about the food. Don't put dad back until you read a lot more about breeding (you can try the FAQs here, they're a great place to start) and you get a mentor who can help you.

Not knowing anything about where the chins came from, I just want you to know that breeding chins from a pet shop or from a back yard breeder, is not really the way to go. I believe if you'd gotten them from a legitimate source, they would have told you about proper food and caging, but maybe not.

Kits are cute but it's heartbreaking when they have to be put down as adults because of consequences from poor breeding. Make sure you're doing it right before you do it again.
we are not going to breed them anymore, this was their second and last kit. We kept the first baby and will keep this one also. We weren't told about food but we are glad that it was brought to our attention so that we could change it. We only want the best for them.
we are not going to breed them anymore, this was their second and last kit. We kept the first baby and will keep this one also. We weren't told about food but we are glad that it was brought to our attention so that we could change it. We only want the best for them.

This is a great place to find out about that stuff =P Anything chinchilla, you can find it easily. If you're interested in PANR, Essentia sells it at 60 cents a lb, she can do flat rate shipping, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to the forum btw!
Thanks for the sales pitch. lol

I do sell PANR and am picking up a new, fresh 50 lb. bag tomorrow if you need me to send you some. I can fit 11 lbs. in a flat rate priority shipping box for $10.35, so it would be $6.60 for the PANR, $10.35 for the priority shipping= $16.95 total. 11 lbs. will last you awhile, and will cost less (even with the shipping) than buying in a pet store. Just PM me if you decide to go that route and I will give you my paypal information for payment.