Look what we brought home!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
This is Dale Earnhardt, previously Licorice. He is between 5 and 8 years old, I'm guessing. He had an ear infection about 4 years ago and he has a head tilt and takes a couple extra spins here and there. He was a little greasy and not on the best food. We gave him a dust bath, and he rolled around for half an hour straight and then fell asleep in the dust. He already gave me quite the stink eye when I made him get up to take the dust out. He's been eating hay and chewed an apple stick up already. There were no poops for a while, but now they are all over the cage. My boyfriend had picked out the name Dale Earnhardt before we ever met this little guy, and ironically his turning is always to the left. He is hopping around his cage like crazy right now. He seems to have lots of energy, I'm sure he'll fit in nicely here. :)


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Adorable, all these pictures of new chins on this forum makes me want one so badly. Someday..someday...is what I keep telling myself.
My bf named him before we ever even met him, and I was planning on calling him Ralphy (Ralph is actually Dale Earnhardt's first name, and Junior's too). When we got him home and he was running in circles and only going left, I figure Dale is much more fitting. He was very nervous last night so we didn't get the shelves in his cage. He was supposed to be coming with a hidey house, but it was a completely chewed up log looking thing that I think was intended for a lizard, so I built him one out of cardboard for now. I was worried he wouldn't calm down at all, but he finally curled up in the house and went to sleep. He's sleeping now. He finally drank some water overnight, and peed IN the potty dish! He will stay in his own cage always, but I think we might try to do play time together with the other boys after quarantine. I have no idea how they will react, guess we'll wait and see.
He was on Kaytee Fiesta food, and didn't poop for a very long time yesterday. I have some of the Kaytee, should I bother mixing it with the Mazuri or just toss it? He had only hay last night (he was getting Kaytee for that too, we stopped and picked up a bale on our way home and he munched the whole handful I gave him in the car). He started pooping after being in the new cage for about an hour and he ate most of the hay I gave him last night and 2 apple sticks.
just toss the kaytee food and do a cold switch to the mazuri. lots of hay during the switch, and sprinkling probiotics (acidophillus) on the mazuri will help keep his tummy settled.

he sure is a cutie :))