Local HS with chins...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I saw on the local HS site that there are two chins there. For the one it says " I need a family who can teach me right from wrong"...

I'm going to stop in and talk with the manager there and offer to foster if they want. My mom does some grooming for them and such. But yea... I think that statement alone puts the wrong idea about chins into people's heads... they have another one that says it's a "motherly figure"... lets promote breeding of abandoned animals! YEA!
Yeah, I sent them an email days ago and they never responded. I posted it on FB and hoped you'd see, but then realized we hadn't friended yet.
Fiiiiiiiiiiine. You can be my interfriend. Geez.
LOL. I sent them an email too, but will stop by on Monday... see how the training is going... (rolling my eyeballs)
but will stop by on Monday... see how the training is going... (rolling my eyeballs)

lol' I hope your able to help them. It deff sounds like they may not be to familiar with chins. But at least their housing them for the time being. I don't no many places like that around me that would do such a thing.
oh... i thought you meant a high school. Thats why i was quite confused...

LOL...I was thinking the same thing through the first few posts...then it finally dawned on me they were referring to a shelter. I guess when you have teenagers HS automatically brings high school to the brain. LOL! Hope all works out for the chins at the shelter! :)