Ling Ling just crack me up...

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Active member
Aug 23, 2010
West Palm Beach, FL
I sat there just watching Ling Ling playing and had to take these two new pics...

I'm soooo tired, but this is sooo yummy, so one more bite.

Not very lady
That last pic is just too funny! Pink and whites crack me up. Silly Ling Ling.
She was pooped from playing, that was right after her eating the rosehip with her eyes closed. I do have to say she is the sweetest thing. She is one of ChinniChantel's babies. When I picked her out, Chantel's husband told me she was the calmest out of the females and he was right. Earlier when I had her out for playtime, she would come hoping into my hands every time I placed my hands down and called her name. She loves to be held and doesn't complain or squirm to jump out. Getting her out is not as smooth yet, but I have faith it'll get better. So far not bad for a first chin :)